One of the hottest vaporizers on the market right now is nothing new. In fact, it’s old tech revamped by some fresh faces in the space. Meet Michael and David, the new CEOs of Vapman. These guys just get it. With a passion for sustainability and dry herb vaporizing, they were the perfect pair of hands to takeover this beloved company.

When Michael and David heard that René Balli, the inventor of the Vapman, was stepping down as CEO they knew this was their opportunity to make their mark on the cannabis space with one of their favorite devices. To learn more about the updated Vapman and the minds behind the Vapman Renaissance watch the full interview.

Did you miss our Friday night livestream all about the Vapman? You can watch it here!

Vapman in Olivewood

Tune in to Think Dank every Friday starting at 9 pm EST/6 pm PST.