Troy and Jerry ThinkDank – The Show about Weed and Weed Vapes
Do you like weed? You’re in the right place. Do you like to vape weed? Then there’s no better place! Troy and Jerry’s Think Dank is all about great vapor and good vibes, with a deep love for cannabis. We beat up and compare all the vapes, and celebrate life as a stoner. So pack a bowl, pick a video, and enjoy a laugh while you learn about weed vapes from the most knowledgeable reviewers in the industry. Streaming live on Twitch every Friday night at 9pm est / 6pm pst.
Troy and Jerry have over fifteen years combined when it comes to cannabis vape reviews. If you don’t know what to do for your next vape, the Think Dank has the answer. Two perspectives are better than one, and Troy and Jerry come at it from different angles and cover all the bases, with nearly every vape ever made in their collections.
But the Think Dank isn’t just about vapes. It’s about friendships and growth, too. Troy and Jerry build communities everywhere they go, and the Think Dank crowd is exceptionally helpful and knowledgeable. You’ll check it out for the vapes, and stick around for the fun!

Best Vaporizer Guides
Troy and Jerry have ALL THE VAPES, and it’s their job to test, review, and compare every dry herb vaporizer known to man. The Troy and Jerry show examines all of the latest and greatest vaporizers as they come out and these BEST OF lists are updated regularly.

Our Six Best Portable Dry Herb Vapes – Fall 2024
We won't fluff up this list with all the options and variations. These are the best six portable dry herb available as of Dec 4, 2024. Watch the full Troy and Jerry video, or see the full breakdown of each vape below.The TinyMight 2 - Portable KnockoutLeading off our...

Our Favorite Desktop Vaporizers – September 2024
Watch us live right here this Friday, September 6th, 2024 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case! The Vapvana Screwball is an obvious choiceThe Vapvana Screwball (save 10% with code "troyandjerry") has easily dominated my desktop...

The Best and Worst Portable Vapes for Bongs
Videos on this post were originally streamed on September 29th, 2023. Watch the full stream here. How did we decide?We looked at the current market of portable vapes that have bong solutions, whether they would be good at it or not. First of all, if you just want to...

Is Fifty Bucks ENOUGH for a good vape? $50 Vape Off – Best Budget Vaporizers
This year has shown us some good $50 vapes, and we beat them up to see if they’re worth your time.
New from Troy & Jerry
Arizer Solo 3 Review and Giveaway!
The Solo 3 breaks from Arizer tradition and smacks like a Mack truck, and we're giving one away with a bunch of goodies! All you have to do is comment at the end of this post and wait for the good news. To enter, leave a comment with substance (spammy, junk posts...
Vapvana Ace and Bubbler Giveaway! Two Kits – Must Enter!!
Tonight we beat up the latest vape creations from Vapvana! We’re talking the Ace cordless ball vape and the Pinch Hitter microdose ball vape, to go along with some of their accessories. VapVana has been busy, so let’s get caught up!
Epicvape E-Nano NXT and XL Review
Log vapes for dry herbs have been around for decades and earned a reputation for efficiency. The Epicvape E-Nano refines the log vape experience with better controls and adjustable bowl sizes. If you want fantastic taste and efficiency from your weed vape, you have to...
Puffco launches Pivot, Dr Dabber responds with Switch 2
Puffco continues to pave the way for portable dab devices with the launch of the new Puffco Pivot. The Puffco Pivot is a pen-shaped portable vape designed for dabs. It uses a new version of the Puffco 3D atomizer that's designed exclusively for the Pivot. This new...
Puffco BANNED from Instagram ++ NEW PUFFCO DROP
Update: 3pm Monday October 14th - the Puffco Instagram account is now back online! Puffco is the undisputed leader of portable dab devices, and they're releasing a new product tomorrow, October 15th. Last week, just one day after posting the latest teaser for the new...
Old Mate Aroma-3 Review – the Last Weed Grinder You’ll Ever Buy!
Finally, a grinder you’ll fall in love with!Grinders are great for vapes and elevate our sessions, but they kind of suck to use. They get messy and sticky and can quickly jam up and be hard to use and clean. But not anymore! The Old Mate Grinder spins like butter and...
Who are Troy and Jerry?

Troy is a full-time cannabis creator whose passion for reviewing weed vapes as a hobby turned into a full career in 2017. His passion for cannabis and vapes shines through every one of his reviews, and so does the fun! People come to him for vape advice but stay for the friendship because he puts his heart into it. Troy loves the community and started the 420vapezone in 2015 to bring vaporists together in a healthy environment.
Today the 420vapezone is the largest and most trusted vape community.
Jerry – Stickstones420
Jerry’s weed vape journey started in late 2007 after his first Volcano hit made him an instant vaporizer nerd. As the first member and moderator of fuckcombustion, he reviewed and beta-tested countless early vapes before becoming a vape industry consultant. With over six years of vape reviews and development for Planet of the Vapes, he has deep connections throughout the industry with companies large and small. Dubbed the “Godfather of Vaporizers” by Sneaky Pete, Jerry’s personal vape collection is one of the deepest and complete in the known world.
Modern Cannabists and Beyond
It’s a beautiful thing when expertise and compassion come together! Troy and Jerry each have a deep desire to match people to the best vape for them, but things really clicked when they met at a trade show. They instantly hit it off with endless conversations about vapes and life and realized the incredible potential if they worked together. After nearly two years with Modern Cannabists, the Troy and Jerry Think Dank was born.
Recently on the Troy and Jerry Show
The Yllvape Angus Enhanced – First Impressions
Watch us live right here this Friday, October 11th, 2024 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case!The Angus Enhanced performs!Yllvape's Angus Enhanced (save 10% with code "troyandjerry") dry herb vaporizer kicks out some solid...
DaVinci IQ3 First Impressions
Watch us live right here this Friday, October 4th, 2024 at 6pm PST /9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case!IQ3 is a bigger IQ2The new DaVinci IQ3 dry herb vaporizer follows the latest trend of big ass portable vapes, like the Storz &...
Vape Faceoff – Stunner, Tempest and HyperDyn
It's time for an old fashioned face off!Last week we took a deep dive into our current six favorite portable dry herb vapes, and a lot of you wanted to hear about our top ranking for the HyperDyn. The community loves the Stunner and Tempest, so tonight we're gonna use...
Our Six Best Portable Dry Herb Vapes – Fall 2024
We won't fluff up this list with all the options and variations. These are the best six portable dry herb available as of Dec 4, 2024. Watch the full Troy and Jerry video, or see the full breakdown of each vape below.The TinyMight 2 - Portable KnockoutLeading off our...
Our Favorite Desktop Vaporizers – September 2024
Watch us live right here this Friday, September 6th, 2024 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case! The Vapvana Screwball is an obvious choiceThe Vapvana Screwball (save 10% with code "troyandjerry") has easily dominated my desktop...
Vape Tech – 3 Things We’re Doing Wrong
Watch us live right here this Friday, August 23rd, 2024 at 6pm PST /9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case! Let's dive into some vape tech theory!Tonight we take a break from vape-specific discussion and settle into some vape theory. The Ball...
Give Your Vape Station a Spiritual Boost with the Altar from Altarvape!
Watch us live right here this Friday, August 16th, 2024 at 6pm PST /9pm EST. We also stream live on Twitch and YouTube, just in case! The Altar is my new spiritual base stationBall vapes have almost become mainstream, and a few companies have started to address the...
Cannabis Hardware Moab Review and Zenleaf Nova Giveaway!
Don't miss this one-of-a-kind giveaway!Let's get to the giveaway right away! Just look at that beautiful Cannabis Hardware Zenleaf Nova above. That could be yours! Just scroll to the bottom and leave a meaningful comment below - nothing useless, please. We will...
Joe from Snowtill Returns with New Flavors!
Joe is back, and the last time he was here we had a blast. We talked about his flowers and shared a Vapvana Screwball with him! Tonight we chick in on the ball vape use, and have some of his brand new Snowtill strains to test out. Get ready for tasty and wastey!
The Nice Dreamz Fogger
The Nice Dreamz fogger is a new take on concentrate delivery. It has a really good atomizer and a fan to blow the hits straight down your lungs. But does it hit harder or weaker? And what can we do with this delivery style? This will be fun!
Tafee Bowle Series II Review – Stellar Vapor!
One of our favorite portable vapes is back after a couple years hiatus, The Tafee Bowle! We are now on Series II with lots of improvements – some noticeable and some not. Tonight we pick the Bowle back up and beat it up to see how it stacks up. Not that it matters…you can’t pour your drink into any other vape in the world!
The Troy and Jerry Glass Show
We’re gonna hit bong after bong after bong and talk about what makes a good bubbler and how to pick one for you. Then we cover the new glass catalog at POTV to see what’s in store over there!