Videos on this post were originally streamed on September 29th, 2023. Watch the full stream here.
How did we decide?

We looked at the current market of portable vapes that have bong solutions, whether they would be good at it or not. First of all, if you just want to run a vape through water to cool and condition the vapor, any of the vapes we hit tonight will do. But we want bong rips, and we chose our five faves for the “Best” list. The “Worst” list is made up of five vapes we wouldn’t put on a bong because they struggle to keep up and/or quickly lose their taste. And then we have four honorable mentions to make up the middle. Spoiler alert – there is no spoiler…if you want to know which vape made which list, you’ll have to watch the video!
Tell us what you think!
Got questions for the stream? Drop them in the comments below. Got opinions about which portable vapes are great and which ones suck on a bong? Drop those below, too.
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We’re proud to have DynaVap and Planet of the Vapes sponsor the Think Dank. Their products are great and they actually care about vaporists and their vapor. Hit them up when you’re ready to grab a new vape!
Planet of the Vapes
Planet of the Vapes sells a curated selection of respectable vaporizers and they take care of their customers. Buy with confidence!
Could you touch on what types of “master adapters” are good.
What was the grinder Jerry was spinning on the best portable vapes video. Also how does it compare to a Santa Cruz/ Thanks
It’s the Old Mate Designs Aroma-3 grinder. The grind quality is nowhere near as good as a Santa Cruz or Brilliant Cut Grinder, but I can’t stop using it for the fidget spinner. It is, however, incredibly easy to grind herbs with. It takes nothing at all to spin it and finish the grind!
What was the grinder Jerry was spinning on the best portable vapes video. Also how does it compare to a Santa Cruz/ Thanks
The Old Mate Aroma-3 grinder. The grind isn’t as good as the Santa Cruz. But I still can’t stop using it. The grind is “good enough”, and the ease-of-grind is off the charts. It takes nothing at all to twist and grind through a full plate of nugs.