When Troy and I sat down to discuss what vapes are the best for under $100, we didn’t want to just cover anything in that price range. We wanted to talk about the very best…the products that we use and recommend to our friends and neighbors. Turns out the list was pretty short. Check out our three favorite vapes on a budget: the DynaVap B, the Planet of the Vapes ONE, and the POTV V3 Pro.
Let Troy and Jerry Explain the 3 Best Budget Vapes
Dynavap "B"
We recommend the B to our friends who aren’t afraid of a small torch lighter. With a little practice, it outperforms most electric vapes. At $50, everyone should have one!
Save at DynaVap
Click the button below to save 10% at DynaVap’s website!
Xmax V3 Pro
Tasty convection vapor – check. Removable battery – check. Session and On-demand vapor – check. Easily mates with glass – check. Affordable – you get the point!
V3 Pro @ PotV
Planet of the Vapes has a better version of the Xmax V3 Pro
PotV One
A super-small vape that hits hard and shares easily. It doesn’t have long battery life, but you can’t go wrong with this vape. Every time I recommend it, people thank me.
The PotV One is a community and reviewer favorite.
DynaVap B – affordable and ritualistic
The DynaVap B’s ($49) performance is unmatched at its price point. For just $50, it can smack a tiny load so hard you’ll question what you put in it!
Until now, vapcaps had a couple of shortcomings that lowered their mass market appeal, but the B can please anyone. If you use a single-flame torch, you’ll never have to master the rotation or twirl…just aim and wait for the click.

The bowl size is set to dinky, and it’s really easy to finish off a bowl in one hit. The silicone stem won’t burn you, doesn’t roll around on a table, and perfectly fits a lot of bongs. You can even slow things down and tighten up the airflow.
What I really love about the B is the overall pacakge. It’s has an entry level price point with an easy ritual, and a boatload of features.
If you don’t mind a torch lighter, the DynaVap B should be in your arsenal – noob or not. Don’t forget to use code “troyandjerry” for 10% off when you shop at DynaVap.com.

The DynaVap ritual can really hook you. Some of the steps require honest attention (it uses an open flame, after all) and can help you forget your day. From the pack to the heat to the draw, the DynaVap ritual is soothing.
POTV ONE – easy and potent
For those who don’t want to work for their vapor, we like to recommend the POTV ONE ($99). It’s brainless and effective, and incredibly small. I think it’s a fantastic vapor ambassador, and it hasn’t disappointed me yet.
The ONE slides in at $99, just under the $100 price point. The vapor is strong and cool with the new dimpled glass stem. This vape hits hard, goes anywhere, and is super versatile.
The glass attachments connect the ONE directly to your favorite water pipe, or to a small bubbler that travels on top.
The POTV ONE is a white-labeled, or re-branded vape. You can find it under different names at different stores. But the POTV version is superior and the one to get. I (Jerry) personally ripped it apart and worked with the manufacturer to check every material in every corner. The POTV version has a stainless steel heater (instead of nichrome) and a titanium bowl (instead of aluminum), and all that versatility I already mentioned.
The only downside to the ONE is the battery life. It’s got about 40 minutes of runtime in it at most, which can get the average user through a few days, but power users can drain it in one night.
POTV V3 Pro – feature-rich
The Planet of the Vapes V3 Pro ($109) is $10 more than the ONE, but the battery life alone might be worth it. At $109, this vape is technically more than $100 today, but it’s close enough in price and so far ahead in the feature department that it has to be included in the discussion. This vape screams value!

Check out this feature set…removable 18650 battery, full digital temp control, session and on-demand modes, full convection heat, customizable session length and haptic feedback.
Like the ONE, the POTV V3 Pro is a re-branded vape. The Planet of the Vapes version has a higher capacity battery than the others. It uses the same glass pieces so you don’t have to buy more if you switch from the ONE to the V3 Pro. Internally all V3 Pro versions are the same. If you bought a different version earlier, you can upgrade to the glass attachment and stronger battery without buying a whole new vape.
The only possible downside to the V3 Pro is the hit style. The best hits come with longer draws. I wouldn’t recommend this vape to someone who can only take very short sips, less than two seconds long. Those kinds of hits are best saved for a full conduction vaporizer like a PAX or Starry.
DynaVap B vs POTV ONE vs POTV V3 Pro
We recommend these vapes a lot, and the question comes down to which is better for what type of user. Troy and I talked about this in the video, and these vapes have clear differences that draw them to different people.
The DynaVap B is obviously the cheapest of the three, so budget is usually the first question. If your budget can’t reach for $100, it’s the B by default. You’ll need to work a little bit for the vapor with the torch lighter, but it doesn’t take long to get the hang of it. Once you do, the hits are superior to most electronic vapes. If you like to tinker, get this vape.

POTV V3 Pro mouthpiece and bowl on the left, POTV ONE on the right. The bowls are almost identically sized.
The POTV ONE is the best choice for beginners and those who don’t want to think or be bothered with technique. Just turn it on and go to town. I love to share this vape because I don’t have to explain anything. Just hit it from the glass mouthpiece. It’s very easy to pass around a circle, but the small bowl (same size as the V3 Pro) will probably be finished by the time it gets back to you.
The POTV V3 Pro is what we would recommend to someone who wants all the bells and whistles and doesn’t have a problem with slightly longer hits. It’s also the first choice in this price range for someone who wants to put their vape on a bong. The longer the hit, the thicker the vapor with this vape, and it shines on a bubbler.
Planet of the Vapes and Dynavap are proud sponsors of the Troy and Jerry ThinkDank.
Where to find more Troy and Jerry Thinkdank
Troy and Jerry stream most Friday nights at 6 pm on Twitch. Tune in to the weekly stream to stay up on with the weed vape industry. Edited versions of the weekly topics and vape coverage publish on Youtube and Spotify.