by Jerry Stickstones | Sep 15, 2023 | Accessories, Livestreams, TinyMight
Watch LIVE, this Friday, September 15th at 6pm PST / 9pm EST. We’re also streaming to Youtube, Twitch, and KICK just in case. Tinymight 2 is a crushing portable vape The Tinymight 2, along with vaporizers like the P80 from Lamart, is one of the strongest...
by Jerry Stickstones | Jun 27, 2023 | Accessories, Dry Herb Vaporizers + Dab Rigs
In this stream Troy and Jerry go over some of the oldest, strangest, forgotten vapes and accessories from the last two decades. Check out some of the older designs and ideas that have come and gone, and some that need to stay! Vapes covered in this stream Magic Flight...
by mr bubblestacks | May 31, 2022 | Accessories, Dry Herb Vaporizers + Dab Rigs
It’s fairly common for people to ask “How big of a dab should I consume?” and the general answer is “A rice grain’s worth of material”, but how much is that actually? Now there’s a tool for people to measure the exact size of their dabs, and Troy and Jerry want to...
by mr bubblestacks | May 25, 2022 | Accessories, Dry Herb Vaporizers + Dab Rigs
***YouTube banned us until Saturday, May 28th. So catch our livestream this Friday on Twitch or here on Troy and Jerry. Spread the word!*** We love dabs! Cannabis concentrates offer a plethora of flavors and effects, without the taste or harshness of smoke. With the...
by mr bubblestacks | May 17, 2022 | Accessories, Grinders for Life, Vape Education
Weed grinders! A cannabis consumer’s best friend and worst enemy. They can be a pleasure to use, or an absolute pain (sometimes literally). Almost everyone owns one of these tools, but they aren’t all made the same. Join us for a deeper dive into what makes or breaks...
by Jerry Stickstones | Nov 5, 2021 | Accessories, Brilliant Cut Grinder, Grinders for Life, Vape Education
You probably know the Brilliant Cut Grinder is our favorite grinder. But what’s with all the different grinder plates? Why do you need more than one grind style? Coarse is cleaner A coarse grind can leave behind a cleaner vape. When you grind to a fine...