We are the first to admit that we fell into the vape snob crowd when we switched from combustion to vaporization. But smoking is often your first introduction to cannabis consumption. With more ways than ever to smoke weed these days, for the vape enthusiast, the question is why continue smoking when there are tastier ways to enjoy your weed? In this video, we discuss our first times with combustion and why people continue to consume this way.
Bong, Joint or Blunt?
Perks of these consumption methods: they are easy, portable (minus the bong), and quick. While we are not the people to go to for a professional blunt or joint roll, we recognize that this is a skill many people pick up on their cannabis journey. And it’s a tried and true method that can get you where you want to be. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. While vape enthusiasts also want those perks in their devices, the difference for a lot of them is taste.

Dive Into the Vape Space
Interested in joining the tasty side? Curious about the other ways to smoke weed? You’re in the right place. And if you’re ready to learn more about dry herb vapes, we’ve got just the space for you. Check out our video on the Best Vapes for Smokers.
If you have any more questions, or you wish to get more engaged with others who vaporize their herbs, you are welcome to join the 420vapezone Discord. We have a friendly community of weed vape enthusiasts who enjoy vaping together and engage in discussions of all kinds. Cheers, and happy vaping!
For more content on dry herb vapes and vaping weed, check out Troy’s separate Twitch and YouTube channels for live discussions and vape sessions, and drop by the 420 VapeZone website for more cannabis vaporizer news and reviews.
Tune in to Think Dank every Friday starting at 9 pm EST/6 pm PST.