Cannabis concentrates are continuously evolving, and the newest dab consistency is here: COTTON.
Puft CottonTrates is the brand behind these “cotton dabs.” We met Rob, cofounder and co-creator of Puft Cottontrates, at CHAMP’s Las Vegas, and he gave us a sneak peek at the newest way to dab.

Our First Dab: Cotton-Trates with the Dr Dabber Switch 2
We met Rob through the Dr. Dabber team, and they were gracious enough to let us take over their booth to shoot some video with their Switch 2. This was our very first experience with the Cottontrates, and all reactions were authentic.
What are CottonTrates?
Puft CottonTrates are made using THC-A Diamonds and a process similar to cotton candy.
Their cotton concentrates are THC-A and legal in most states. They have test results showing 96.63% purity.
Terpenes are re-introduced in the process, as diamonds are pure THC-A.
Puft Cottontrates are flavored using custom blends of cannabis-derived terpenes.

Cottontrates look and feel like cotton but with much less strength. The fibers easily pull apart and turn to a white dusty powder. Cottontrates smell a bit like candy but don’t taste like anything when eaten raw.
Dabbing CottonTrates
We brought some of the Puft CottonTrates home to test. In this video, we dab the CottonTrates using a full-sized dab rig and a terp slurper. We each take 2 dabs, with the 2nd dab being massive.
Where to Find CottonTrates
CottonTrates is a new and emerging product. Check their website for availability. CottonTrates are currently made using THC-A, which is legal in most states.

Cottontrates are available in 8th jars and single grams. The 1g container is the size of a preroll container, and the full 8th is the size of a normal pill container.

An up-close look at the newest form of cannabis concentrates. The tiny fibers are pure THC-A.