Videos on this post are from the June 7th, 2024 livestream. Watch the full stream here


The XMAX V3 Nano – is it worth the $50?

Camouflet toys

The V3 Nano from XMAX is a pretty decent vape for $50. It’s dead simple, with one button and one temperature profile to ride. Just load it, turn it on, and enjoy the ride. Cheap vapes are usually crappy, but this one joins a very short list of $50 vapes that don’t suck.

Hits are pretty decent, and start off light and end up stronger the longer you go, as the heat builds in the oven. My biggest tip is to heat it up for two back-to-back cycles to get a thick-ass session. So you can get a lighter ride or a thicker ride based on the length of the heat soak.

The button does only one thing…power on and off with three clicks. The button is red until it’s time to hit, when it turns green accompanied with a haptic vibration. The temperature starts out at 392F and build up to 428F by the end of the session.

Overall, this little guy seems well worth $50 for a beginner or lighter user. I wouldn’t recommend it for heavy users…they should look to the V3 Pro.

The Gallery

Here’s some eye candy while you wait for the stream to start Friday night!

V3 Nano 1

The V3 Nano assembled and ready to go.

V3 Nano oven

Pull the glass mouthpiece out and look into the oven.

V3 Nano with mouthpiece removed

When it’s time to clean, the mouthpiece comes apart into two pieces.

V3 Nano mouthpiece parts

The littel metal adapter to the left slides into the glass mouthpiece so the oven has a top screen to keep the herbs in place.

V3 Nano mouthpiece adapter

Here’s a closeup of the adapter. The air comes in from below and takes a turn out the side where it smashes into the glass and travels to the user.

V3 Nano oven

When you fill the oven up, the mouthpiece will press everything down to the metal oven. It’s okay to fill to the top of the o-rings. Best to go with a lighter pack than a tigher one, as this vape uses mostly convective heat.

V3 Nano red light

Triple press the button and it will turn red while it heats up…

V3 Nano green light

…and turn grenn when it’s ready to vape.

V3 Nano air intake

This is one of the air intakes. There is another just like it on the other side.

V3 Nano charge port

USB-C charge port on the bottom.

V3 Nano and V3 Pro size comparison

Here’s a size comparison shot with the V3 Pro. The Nano is really dinky!

Tell us what you think!

Got questions for the stream? Drop them in the comments below. Got a comment about the XMAX V3 Nano? Drop those below, too. Let us know what you think!

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