This week we’re covering vaporizers that you can use with both dry herb and concentrates. There are a number of vapes that claim to work. But not all of them deliver a great experience. Want to know which ones are worth it? Watch the stream to find out!
More from this episode of Think Dank
What is twaxing? Twaxing is a term we use when you add cannabis concentrate to your dry herb. It could be a joint, a blunt or a bowl. However you consume dry herb, if you add concentrate to the mix, it is considered twaxing.
Tonight we’ll be loading up our usual bowls with concentrate, for science of course.
What vapes can you really use for both dry herb and concentrates? If you’re looking for a good portable vape to do both, consider these:

Those aren’t all the portables to consider for your twaxing, or double decking needs. Watch the stream to see what other portables and desktops Troy & Jerry recommend for both dry herb and concentrates.
If you have any more questions, or you wish to get more engaged with others who vaporize their herbs, you are welcome to join the 420vapezone Discord. We have a friendly community of weed vape enthusiasts who enjoy vaping together and engage in discussions of all kinds. Cheers, and happy vaping!
Tune in to Think Dank every Friday starting at 9 pm EST/6 pm PST.