The pic below is the full kit for this giveaway. The Ace kit is on the left and includes the Dugout base station, a scoop, brush, glass bowl and spinner banger. The Big League Bubbler is on the right, and crushes with huge lungfulls of lucious vapor. You’re gonna vape out like Troy and Jerry every night!

Here’s a closeup picture of the Dugout and Ace kit.

Check out the Big League Bubbler with the Ace, ready to hit! You know you want that…

A look down into the hot hole. I love how deep and solid the walls are.

The Vapvana Screwball Goes Small and Wireless!

When we last told you about Vapvana (save 10% with code “troyandjerry”), they were blowing our minds with the Screwball – a new ball vape that smacks without overdoing it, and excels at lower temps. Now we have two fresh iterations to tease you with – the Ace and Pinch Hitter!
But that’s not all…Vapvana is rounding out their catalog with tools, a dock and a bubbler, and we’ll go over all of them on tonight’s stream! Grab your best weed and strongest vape…we’re getting rocked tonight!
First up – the Pinch Hitter

The Pinch Hitter does exactly that – smacks a pinch of herb down your face so hard you won’t know what hit you! The heater is configured to excel with smaller loads, with a smaller bowl and smaller hole at the bottom of the heater. The hot air is directed through a smaller channel that creates satisfying hits from a tiny amount. How small? Less than a tenth of a gram!
The Pinch Hitter Hybrid Bowl is sweet – a small chamber for the herbs sit on top of your choice of glass GonG connections – 10mm, 14mm, or 18mm. I love the versatility and purity of this bowl! You can fill it with a tenth of a gram of dry herbs, or sprinkle just enough to cover the screen. Either way, your hits are gonna be way bigger than you expect!
Next at bat – The Ace

The Ace is what I’ve used non-stop since it arrived. This little heater is awesome! It’s small and lightweight, but full of heat. It fits in all of my 25mm hot holes, so I can use it all over the house. Construction is simple – a Grade 2 Titanium housing filled with gem-cut rubies held in place with a mesh screen. The air flow is open, and I usually have the temp set to around 550F.
I’m stoked to see Vapvana address the need for a base station with their Dugout Dock. This little wood stand has a slot for the PID, a post for hot heaters, the hot hole, and five holes for accessories. It’s a pretty tight little station with a small footprint. My only complaint is the wires for the PID come out both ends instead of one, but that’s the PID’s fault.
I also dig the Big League Bubbler – Vapvana’s first unique bubbler. It has a nice little inline perc and a flat mouthpiece. the size is right for this kind of a vape, and I never got water in my mouth.
The Ace (formerly the Cordless Screwball) is 420vapezone’s #1 pick on his Best Ball Vapes of 2024.
Big Ass Gallery
Here’s some eye candy while you wait for the stream Friday night!
This pic shows the underside of the Pinch Hitter, and the top side of the metal bowl that comes with it.
The Pinch Hitter Hybrid Bowl on the left, and the Ace Glass Bowl on the right. The glass bowl has a built-in carb.
The titanium bowl exploded. It has two glass inserts – 14mm and 18mm. Easily swap in the right size for your bong!
You know I don’t like this metal stand for the Pinch Hitter, but it is heavier and more stable than any other stand of this style that I have. It’s not bad!
Closeup of the perc on the Big League Bubbler. I like it. It has a nice little purr too it without much chug.
The SQP on the left can load as much as a quarter gram. The Mini SQP on the right can load up to a tenth of a gram. It’s dinky!
Planet of the Vapes
Planet of the Vapes sells a curated selection of respectable vaporizers and they take care of their customers. Buy with confidence!
Troy and Jerry are a valuable resource for anyone interested in vaping, especially those looking for honest and informative reviews. Their passion for vaping is evident, and their videos are both entertaining and educational. I highly recommended Troy and Jerry for vape enthusiasts of all levels.
I See you used A.I 😂😆
I actually really dig that the hot hole for the Ace is using an armor style coil design. Always thought that was more ideal for a wireless setup for better contact and easier removal.
Risking it for the biscuit! Thanks vapvana and Troy & Jerry!
Thrilled at the offer of this devise. And two at that! (that’ll make a friend extremely happy!)
Been wanting to purchase a ball vape to up the game, but have been overwhelming confused at all the choices out there.
This looks like the perfect kit with Dugout Dock included. Also that it is wireless would be better for where and how the setup would stationed in my house.
Congrats in advance to the winner.
Troy and Jerry rock!
I would love to win one of these right now i use a pockety and would love to have a plug in dab experience. I’ve been watching TroyandJerry for about 3 years now and love your shows. If I am looking for information about a vape I’ll check out your website or go over to YouTube. Thanks guys and thanks Cal!
Been loving the screwball since December 2024
Il faut essayer de gagner Merci Vapana et troy&Jerry pour ce jeu !!
Thank you Troy and Jerry for all your years of hard work and testing.
I have watched both from the beginning.
I appreciate all the mods and sciencing with these vapes.
We wouldn’t be where we’re at without the interest of balls from Vapecritics vape G43.
And of course the playing of the balls by the Troy ,
we now have ball vapes everywhere and more coming.
Balls really are the future.
🫡 🫡
I can’t wait to post a pic of that set-up on my desk ! Fingers crossed
Pick me so I can cheers it up with you guys!! P.s.- I’m still laughing about Troy busting Jerry about his balls on stream last week!!
My Original VapVana ball vape is all I ever use! It opens a completely different world of 420 fun. I really hope you pick me! The new device looks AWESOME! I would absolutely LOVE to try it. *Sending PICK ME vibes*
The Ace by Vapvana is an absolute beast—pure power, insane efficiency, and that signature ball vape performance but in a fully wireless setup. No cords, no limits, just straight-up vapor excellence. T&G, You guys are the gold standard when it comes to vape knowledge. Your deep dives, testing, and no-BS approach make you essential for anyone serious about vaping. Love your work and the passion you bring to evey video, im in the uk but often watching you guys live. Anyway, now I gotta grind some shit. Peace ✌️
You guys are the ones that got me into dry herb vaping, and now I work in the industry and I’m recommending your reviews to get others into dry herb vaping as well. Now I have the next 2 days off and I can finally catch your stream!
The ace would look great on my desk
That dock looks like the one to get how does that bowl hit i notice bowl way bigger !
First Aussie to get the Screwball and would love to get the rest!
As a vape lover, I have never tried a ballvape until now.
I have mainly used a large number of log vapes for several years.
I would now like to try different things, and why not the vapes which are currently described as the most powerful.
I’ve heard a lot about the Ace, and kit. And I must admit that it is the most interesting and accomplished kit of the moment.
If I win this game, Troy and Jerry will have made me an even happier man, and I will share it with someone who deserves this incredible kit 🤟🏻
I love Troy and Jerry! They are super nice guys and very willing to share their knowledge to help pick a vape for your needs. Cal is also a super great guy and willing to help and share his knowledge to help the little guy. I’ve always wanted the ace, but it’s outside my financial means, since I’m on disabled income. I’ve drooled after the ace, hoping for it to become my first wireless ballvape. It does seem much easier than any wired version, and I’m really not comfortable using a torch to heat a banger. I love the look of the Ace, and that hot hole looks perfect for it. So please pick me, I would put it to good use and send the other to a friend in a similar financial boat. Please let my dream become a reality. Love Cal and Vapvanna , love Troy and Jerry, bunch of cool guys making wicked content. Thanks so much.
Got tempest since i wanted something portable first, but now i wanna get desktop ball vape and there is no chance im getting something else then ace. I read only good things on screwball and the portability that ace offer, no chance there is better vape.
Thanks for helping me discover, learn how and transfer from smoking to dry herb vaping – the best decision ever! Seriously improved my life dudes!
I believe that the most efficient method of accessing Cannabinoids from flower is to shock it with a LOT of heat in as short an amount of time as possible. Ideally, sufficient heat to vapourize the resin in the trichomes, in a short enough time that the underlying vegetable matter doesn’t get hot enough to ignite.
It has it ALL. !!
Will you grant me the pleasure to hold such glorious creation ?
Just got my screwball today and boy I am blown away with the performance!
Appreciate the opportunity to win such a great piece of equipment. Haven’t experienced a ball vape yet but have been narrowing down my choices. Thank you again for the giveaway and what you do for the community.
Do to career choice I did not consume any weed for over 30 years. Once retired I decided to try weed again and accidently stumbled across vaping in a growing forum. I purchased the fire fly and it served me well until I discovered Troy and Jerry, now my volcano hybrid and mighty plus are our main vapes with occasional hits on a dynavap. Ball vapes intrigue me and vapvana ace would be a nice addition to my toys, not into methods that use a torch.
Bought the Vapvana Screwball about 6 months ago and it’s all around GREAT! It’s my DAILY DRIVER over all my other equipment, have some ball vapes but the Quality in the Screwball is by far. Vapvana is delivering quality products for those seeking to upgrade their smoking session!
What up I got the screwball and it replaced Bong smoking.Super happy.
Love my screwball kit from all the way over from New Zealand! Would be awesome to try the ace kit! Thank you vapvana and Troy & Jerry!!!!
Looking ACE!
This full kit is amazing, even more with wood station !!! 🥹
Beautiful works !
Oi oi saveloy!! Yes please you sexy leg ends, I’m a poor barely literate Englishman, sort a brother out! Nice one. Have a great weekend.
I would love to win this vape as I have heard nothing but good things about Vapvana. A wireless device like the Ace would be perfect for me.
Wow this thing looks amazing. Good job vapvana. Clean design. It looks like it will rip!
What an awesome device! I have a crafty+ but haven’t been able to make the full switch over from combustion. These newer styles look like they would provide a much better vaping experience. I appreciate the experience you guys share with the community. It would be a dream to be able to try out the Ace.
I really enjoy watching Troy and Jerry and am so glad I happened across vapvana!! I purchased their screwball vape and could not be happier. This was my introduction to ball vapes and I will definitely be investing in more! Thanks for this opportunity!!
Hi mate thanks for this review on Vapvana accessory i love this great product of ball vape.
Hope to win
This could be the perfect way to convert my smoker friends to vaping enthusiasts!
I have the pinch hitter but would LOVE to upgrade to the Ace! (I’m too clumsy for this cord haha, but I LOVE this thing so far!!)
The Ace kit really is the FOMO bundle. Can’t stop looking at it and thinking I need it haha. Will eventually jump into the ball game world. Curious to know how much more powerful than my Tinymight 2 and bowl ball vapes are!
Ooh looks amazing!!
I would love to win the kit it would be amazing
Wow that’s amazing 💚
I have a few portable vaporizers(bakx, mighty, Milaana) and have been looking into getting a desktop. Winning this would be a great first step into that journey!
Vapvana and vaping dry herb has changed my life permanently. I will never be able to go back to combustion. Everyone I givey vapes to try loves them and can’t believe it and it’s a shame that more people don’t know Troy and Jerry convinced me and hopefully they are convincing others as well.
I have been a Vapvana customer for almost a year now and love every session with it. The screwball is hits harder than anything else I have tried and is great for those relaxing weekends. I am always excited to see what they come out with next.
I’ve been here since day 1 and I’m so excited to see where you are going! Keep up the great work Cal!
just got into vaping and you guys are the shit! love the review would love to try this out
I really would love to win an ace kit i have never won something. I follow you guys from vapvana so long and saw step by step how things got bigger and better it would be fantastic to get my hands on an ace kit.i think its really made for the customers expirience in vaping culture. Cal did a real good job in beeing the first wireless ballvape. So i would be really happy to hold an ace in my hands. I hope i win this game ✌️✌️ cheers buddys
I’m UK based and just waiting patiently for a restock of the screwball, this is a great write up about the Ace and leaves me with much to contemplate about future purchases 🤣🤣
Really enjoy the personable tone of your written evaluations. Thanks.
I really enjoy watching the content you come out with. I do not purchase any thermal extraction products until you guys beat it up first!
Would love to experience the vapvana goodness!
Looks like a great unit and full kit! Would love to give one a try sometime.
As a former combat medic, medical herbs have greatly helped me in my journey to self healing. This looks amazing! Can’t wait to try one out
I’d read this write-up when it dropped and watched a couple of the videos on YouTube on the Ace last year when I was researching it. Fantastic content as always and super informative. I was really curious about pairing the Ace with the Pinch Hitter. The glass bowl is maybe a little too much for a casual quick session. Underfilling the bowl works alright but I’m convinced I need to go e the Pinch Hitter hybrid bowl a shot after what I’ve been reading and seeing.
One thing I didn’t see mentioned was the 25mm bangers that Vapvana has that can pair with the hot hole on the Ace. My pre-order came with a pretty nice auto spinner. I devised a way to hook the banger up to my glass while keeping the banger in the hot hole. Works alright and keeps the banger at temp, though I think a closed banger with a vortex carb cap would be more effective. The clearance between the auto spinner and the hot hole prevents the auto spinner from doing its thing.
Please let me win this amazing piece!
I want one of your ball vape so badly💚💚💚
Amazing work guys!
Winning a Vapavana Ace from Troy and Jerry isn’t just about getting a top tier vape, it’s about ascending to elite vaporizer status. Imagine sharing next level convection with your friends, flavour so pure it makes angels weep, and the satisfaction of knowing you won it from two of the coolest guys in the game.
Plus, let’s be honest.. free vapes hit different 💪
Coming from regular combustion bongs and cheaper vapes like the arizer solo I like how streamlined and user friendly ace looks and the smaller footprint is a plus too. Keep up the good work guys content is fire lately.
Love the looks of this kit. It sure seems to win Troy’s reach test. I would really like to try the punch hitter bowl. One and done…repeat as needed😁
A chance to vape like the big Dawgs? Boy would I ever! Cheers to serving a great community and enriching the vape culture.
This is such a cool setup! I love the modularity and variety that the Ace provides, especially with the dab and flower accessories included. That bubbler also looks like it riiiiiips. I haven’t had the pleasure of diving into the realm of ball vapes yet, but I’m hoping this will be my introduction!
The coolest vape around, especially with all the different attachments! Such a good quality product.
You guys make my Friday evening feel complete. This is a serious kit. Appreciate the work you guys put into your content and keeping us up to date on the latest and greatest
A dream setup, I have watched way too many videos about the kit. Such great performance!
Happy new year and all have a fantastic year!
Thanks for your informative reviews and for this nice give away..
The Ace wood station is such a beautiful and complete device, would be a plaisure to have it on the table ! 🙂
Good Luck for everybody ! 🤞👍
I would love to get one of those, but it’s not so easy to get them here in Europe. The coolest setup I’ve seen so far!!!
Thank you for the review, this kit is next level. I have two friends in mind who would really love to update to something like this from smoking. Much love ✌️ troy n Jerry & Vapvana
The Screwball is definitely the best no ball, ball vape in my collection. It’s quick to heat up and seems to create vapour more efficiently than any other ball vape I’ve tried, produces that vapour on drawing almost immediately which also makes it great for super flavourful one and done medication without having to have lungs like Superman’s. I can imagine the Ace kit and dug out are well pleasing having everything you could need , a wireless Screwball and storage on it make for a very tidy vape space.
Thanks Vapvana for producing such an amazing non ball, ball vape, thanks to my brother for telling me about the Screwball, most importantly thank you Troy and Jerry for the informative, unbiased reviews and the excellent shows. I’ve been quietly following along since the inception of 420Vapezone, glad you have decided to collaborate, informative entertaining and funny. Thank you so much for all your hard work and sticking with it even after YT started their nonsense, I’m sure you’ve helped many people in choosing a dry herb vape that’s right for them, I know you’ve definitely helped me and saved me money. Speaking of whatever did happen to the pen style electronic vape called the GrassHopper. Keep up the great work for the best show on YT.
I have been calling since 2011 starting with the magic flight box and progressed from there. Ever since the beginning I’ve been trying to spread the good news and have only found one other friend who not gets to excited about new vapes but has actually asked to borrow a dynavap. He loved the switch but could not keep up with regular maintenance.
A ball vape would be perfect for my buddy because he’d only ever really need to clean out the screen. The ace is such a sweet setup that would be the new stand out star during our flower and dab seshes.
I’ve been very curious about this exact set up, your in depth review is really helpful! I so prefer vape over burn and this set up looks very versatile! Thanks so much for the info! 🤜🤛
I keep lusting over the vapvana ace but haven’t pulled the trigger yet 😬
It really does seem like the best value for money ball vape on the market right now though and I have recommended it to a couple friends. I’m currently in the market for my first ball vape and feel like I’m getting in at a great time.
The Ace would be my perfect bedside setup and that glass looks like rips! Hope to win! Cheers!
Much love and appreciation as always guys, for providing such amazing bundles for everyone in the space to get a chance to experience – and then on top of it, to provide a 2nd kit to share the awesome experience and performance with a deserving friend is just the most thoughtful gestures for giveaways and truly provides not only the humble explosive chance to get a vape that you may not have gotten the ability or priority to do so, and spreads the joy and awesomeness to even more people, and is just an incredibly thoughtful and heartfelt opportunity to provide for your dedicated viewers… Like I stated in the others – should I win, I’ll be giving the other away on my channel and make sure that everyone knows where it came from, while shouting you guys out. Much love and appreciation as always… 🙏🙏💚🍻🤜🤛💨💨💨🌫️
No other style of vaporizing or consumption offer such a pure flavorful extraction from the flower. Unlocking a newfound sustainability in my consumption.
I really would love to win this setup the ace looks so cool.
Vapvana gives its users a choice of MANY MANY different ways to enjoy your herb! Who does that?
VAPVANA does that, that’s who!
It’s also High end, compact with great ergonomics.
Now using a diy set, I can’t even imagine how much better this Vapvana set would be!
To win An actual righteous VAPVANA Ball Vape set would extreme!
Thank you all so much!
Excited for the chance to win anything from Vapvana, and good luck to all!
Impressive, I’m in awe of how far these have come. After some recent research Vapvama products have replaced all the another stations and vapes I was considering for a proper ball vape.
Glad to see the hot knife loading tool too…. And adding to my wish list, lol!
Such a nice looking setup that from the looks of it has the performance to match! I love the air holes on the sides, not sure if they do anything for performance but they look good and different from the rest of the crowd.
Thank you so much for all the quality reviews and information! It’s hard to believe how far DHVs have come in the last few years. It’s because of hard hitting quality vapes like this and the Screwball I haven’t combusted in over a year. Thanks for everything you guys do.
Been watching troy and Jerry for awhile now, wanna thank them for helping me bite the bullet on my first ball vape and never looking back at combustion again! Yall do a real service for the community!
Troy and jerry have been my go to resource for all things vaped…Their compassion and dedication to the community, bringing the knowledge, joy and good feels, to everything they do. I love the weekly stream. Its a fantastic way for the community to connect. Im absolutely in love with vapvana products. They are the pinnacle of innovation and the king of the “heavy hitters”… anyone, myself included, would be so lucky to win anything from them, let alone two!! That being said, a double is better then a single any day. Good luck to everyone that entered..
The Vapvana Ace kit represents an entry point into desktop wireless gem cut vaping and dabs that is as beautiful as it is functional.
Having owned the Ace heater head for the last two weeks, I love having all of the functionality of my Screwball, while having the benefits of going wireless and taking this rockstar of a vape anywhere in my apartment.
May whoever wins this bundles reap it’s benefits to the fullest!
Troy and Jerry are the shit for doing all these giveaways! I own a screwball by vapvana but I’ve been wanting to try the ace so bad it is such an awesome device, and I’ve been wanting to get some friends into DHV so I can’t wait to share an ace with them!
I’ve been drooling over Vapvana Vaporizers, and I’m not just blowing smoke – the ace model has left me utterly speechless, and I’m sending huge thanks to Troy, Jerry, and Cal for making it possible for me to add it to my collection.
Some of my favorite Troy and Jerry videos are the ones where they use vapvana devices to vape that dank Snowtill bud. Pick me so I can pretend like I’m there with the boys. I need a ball vape.
The two gentlemen with the most vaping experience and probably have every vape out there giving such rave reviews for Vapvana products is a telling statement. I would be blessed to have this awesome cut rubies Ace vaporizer.
Praying to all of the gods that my comment is chosen.
Thanks for putting on these giveaways!
Thank you for your honesty in your content. I fuck with Troy and Jerry! Whrr whrr whrr whrr whr
Wow, what an amazing opportunity. Been following content and know this setup would be a blessing. Dank you to everyone who made this possible.
Love your guys’ stream and would love the opportunity to try to ace! I think it’s really cool how they have integrated everything you need, including a banger, into the same wireless kit now. People seem to really enjoy the ace with the gem cut rubies, and I would love to share the second kit with my cousins so they can enjoy it too!
Hey Troy and Jerry, and Vapvana!
I just wanted to say first, thank you for even the chance at this. It truly is a dream come true. Firstly, to get a set for yourself is just absolutely amazing, but the idea for 2 is just even more amazing. This wonderful plant we love is just really meant for sharing. Some other things in life, people just squirrel away and horde to themselves. But this plant, down to your last crumbs, you feel like sharing with your best friend. And I truly would love that opportunity to make the day of a friend I have in mind, who had the roughest year last year. And I know she wouldn’t be able to get this herself, so this truly, truly would be a dream for me too, to get to make a real difference in a real human out here’s life. You guys are really incredible for doing this. I hope you know you already put a smile on my face, so thanks again. I’m really grateful and appreciate you guys. Troy and Jerry, especially for the reviews. Vapvana, for your generosity and chance to experience your products, thank you all. Good luck everyone! 🙂
What a long strange trip it’s been. I have far less years behind than ahead and it has taken me all these years to finally experience this wonderful plant. I found Jerry, then Troy. I then found the wonderful world of dry herb vapes. I can’t imagine enjoying the magic any other way. Thanks for the contest.
Hey Troy and Jerry!
My boyfriend is a huge huge fan! It would be amazing to gift a sick setup like that for him! He got me into vaporizing and I’ve never turned back!
Hi, i have always wanted to try a desktop vaporizer and a ball vape and this one seems like its one of the best!! The second one would go to my good friend who only uses a xmax v3 pro, i wanna upgrade him! 😀
Thanks vapvana and troy and jerry for doing awesome giveaways and good community content for everyone.
Peace 🙂
In my experience, the Screwball with the Pinch Hitter Hybrid Bowl (and a good piece of glass) is by far the best tasting and most powerful vapor I’ve ever had. I guess the special sauce is the geometry of the rubies, but whatever it is, it is the smoothest and most efficient extraction I’ve had. I thought that was end game for me, but the convenience and form factor of the Ace looks next level. Would love to share with a friend and introduce them to the world of vaping. Thanks for all that you guys do.
I have been dreaming of this Ace kit for several months.
It is quite simply the most complete kit.
My vape budget is limited, so it would be really awesome to win this setup, and give the second kit to a close friend.
Thank you Troy and Jerry ❤️
Thanks for doing another giveaway, guys. We all need to be a little Johnny Appleseed, grow the community. There’s a local dispensary reviewer who checks out new strains and edibles in my state for a weekly YouTube show. The guy has never hit a ball vape, hadn’t even heard of them. I need a new ball vape to show off. Hook me up, guys!
This is so freaking cool! I been looking around at different ball hammer vapes and to find this giveaway, has to be a sign. Good luck everyone, I wish everyone the best.
Pink strawberry gelata!
Wow to win the Ace would be Awesome, I watched Troy and Jerry showcase it and use regularly on their show, I work in the wood industry and seeing how you incorporate all of instruments and arrange them for convenience and a bit of sophistication is Brilliant. Sure wood like to win and take to the shop, lol.
The Vapvana Ace and Pinch Hitter seem like incredible innovations for vape enthusiasts! I love how compact and versatile the Ace is, especially with the gem-cut rubies and Grade 2 Titanium construction—it screams quality and performance. The Big League Bubbler looks perfect for big, flavorful hits, and the Dugout Dock is a practical addition. Thanks for showcasing such exciting products and hosting this giveaway; it’s a fantastic opportunity to experience top-tier vaping. Keep up the great work, Troy and Jerry!
I think that this van be the next evolutionary step in vaping. Modules like building devices.
Greetings from Germany I Hope to win this epic setup to enjoy terps at its purest way🤤
Vapvana keeps crushing the game. The Ace looks like an absolute marvel of vape engineering. Using the Ace glass bowl would be incredibly tasty and versatile with such a large variety of compatible pieces that it’s got an almost staggering utility. Troy and Jerry are legends for doing so many generous giveaways and bringing more into the enjoyment of vaping!
Anyone who supports and carries vapvana is legit. Game changing extraction
Been watching Troy and Jerry since the modern canabists days. They blew my mind with the introduction to the Dynavap! Crazy to see how far the technology has evolved.
Been wanting to try the Ace since it passed the Troy and Jerry’s 2024 reach test. Would love to win this giveaway and give it a try! Also, my nephew has never tried a ball vape so this would be awesome to hook him up too!
Thanks for keeping the live stream so consistent. Look forward to it as a wind down every Friday.
Appreciate you guys!
Been watching you guys around 5 years now. Vaping daily for around 7. Still yet to try a proper ball vape.
Love your content, and the insight you guys provide on the weekly!
Me and my brother have had our eyes on the Ace as a good entry, but it’s way over our budget.
Would be an absolute game changer if I were to win this.
Thank you for this opportunity either way!
Cheers <3
Amazing setup. I just got into dry herb vaping and have been wanting to try Vapvana since I first saw them. And to be able to spread the love to another homie? Ideal.
Love your show and that you guys are starting to collab more off camera. Best info and just fun bs for thermal extraction enthusiasts!
Thanks Troy and Jerry for all you do for our community! Always enjoy the cutting edge and honest conversations around the vape scene – this Vapvana kit looks like a heavy hitter for sure!
The best ever you 2 Keep on Keeping on !
You guys give the best honest answers and reviews. So glad we get the desktop reach test from different coasts.
vapana is next level
Seriously Thanks your codes always rock
Thanks for the collab and giveaway Troy, Jerry and Cal! The Vapvana Ace is a top performer and being cordless is convenient and the safest! I’m starting to bump into everything at my age (Call me Mr. Magoo) and less cords would be awesome, as well as The Ace having the best reviews as a desk top in the vape community! The bundle is a nice added treat too that makes it complete! Cheers,,,
Thank you for All the amazing reviews. Would love to win one to add to the collection.
I have been vaping since 2013 and this really seems like my endgame setup, I need to get myself one of these! Thank you for the opprotunity to win this.
Thank you for doing yet another amazing giveaway Troy and Jerry. I’ve learned so many awesome things about dry herb vaping from ya’ll, and watching your YouTube channel has become a must on Fridays. I’ve been loving my screwball and would love to win the ace with its wireless capability! Please keep up the amazing work you do.
Ooowee that contraption looks amazing!!!! That looks like so much fun. Thanks to yall we got a TinyMight which we use on a daily basis, completely changed the game for us and to be able to enjoy our Aquaponic home grown.
That Ace looks amazing. The wood makes it so classy. I would have it on display in the living room. Functional art!
Hoping to win this giveaway. Would be pretty stoked not only to have a killer set up but also to have o e from you dudes!!! I fucks with Troy and Jerry
Yes yes yes! The new ace it’s looking unbelievable!
Let’s goooo
This kit looks like the ultimate setup! It looks to have everything one would need to get properly medicated! I have heard nothing but positive reviews on this! I don’t have a ball vape or anything like this set up so I would love to up my routine with a beautiful setup like this! Love all the knowledge you guys have shared over the years! I have learned so much from you both! Thank you for everything you do and for always giving back to this incredible community!
That Set looks Amazing! Plus it would be really cool to win another Set for a friend, since im Not from the us and getting vapes shipped to the eu is pricey as hell. Big up to troy and jerry by the kraut cloud crowd
Love the screwball,it started my ball vaping journey!
Troy and Jerry take a really deep dive into the dry herb vape world.
Showing us all the freshest and best set-ups….like the ACE!
Wow. This looks soooo goooodddd. Never had oportunity to test this kind of equipment. But maybe someday it will makes me more PRO.
I really dig and appreciate yalls content. Showing folk all these different types of vaporisers and how they function really helps people like me choose what may be a more suitable option in the end possibly saving some folk hundreds. Thanks guys for all you do
damnn i know your product since a year and was thinking so much of change my smoke habit to a healthier one and what you created is just impressive love it would love to win one 😍
I’ve been following you guys for years now and the majority of my vape collection is based on your reactions when I see you hit a new one. Can’t afford to get all of them though!!! Once I saw the cordless ball vapes come out I knew I would have to get one eventually. Would love to add this one to my collection as I’m sure it rocks. Again, I appreciate all you guys do for the community and am always interested in where all this is going. Good luck everyone, this is rockin give-away.
Troy and Jerry have been my guides into the world of vapes. They have never led me astray and the Ace from Vapvana looks to be a real evolution in the ball vape world. I have been trying to get my best friend to give vaping a try and this might be the best way to do it. Win or lose, thank you Troy and Jerry for all you do.
I would like the opportunity to try this out especially with my arthritis.
Love Vapvana products, and the ace looks spectacular!!! thanks for giving them the coverage they deserve 🙂
Troy and Jerry are the true Vape Lords!! Their videos are super enriching.. a must for anyone interested in leaving combustion behind. Just look at their magnificent creations. I’d recommend them to anyone looking for the best way to smoke!
Thank you for another awesome giveaway.This time with some gorgeous stuff from Vapvana. It’s so cool to see a new company with quality stuff evolving and getting love from the community.
It would be mind-blowing to win one of the sets and it’s even better to win two and give one to my best friend. Good luck everyone!
Been watching for going on 2 years now i believe. Thank you for the amazing content Troy and Jerry! And thank you guys for getting me off combustion. Truly..
Ive had my eyes on the the screwball ever since it came out, but the budget for toys has been tight with all of my wife’s medical stuff going on. Ever since they came out with the Ace/dugout. It’s been really hard not to pull the trigger on a payment plan on it. The whole kit looks like everything one would need to get vaping, fast!
If I were to win this giveaway, I’d use one of the dugout station to get my wife and I beyond medicated with the Ace with the big league bubbler to have an amazing sesh with a small footprint.
I’d give the 2nd unit to my middle brother who uses carts mainly still. He can’t afford a ball vape but desperately wants to get into it. He would be insanely happy to win such an amazing, all in one, ready to go kit. This kit and giveaway is just amazing. This community never ceases to amaze me with how loving this community can be and what it should be about at the end of the day. Spreading the love when and where you can.
Peace be upon thyself
Thanks for the offer of winning one of your awesome bubblers, I’ve never even tried one before but would absolutely love one to try.
Thanks again
Thanks for an amazing give away Troy n Jerry, currently use the TM2 but still combusting occasionally, I would love to get a ball vape and become 100% vape only, always feel bit dirty/smelly after smoking.
Thanks for great give away Troy,Jerry n Cal. Currently use the TM2 but still combust with joints couple time a week. Would love an ace to be 100% vape only. Alway feels a bit dirty/smelly after smoking.
This is such a cool looking setup. You can have all of your accessories for flower and dabbing in one place. Nice and tidy. The Ace seems to do an amazing job at fully extracting the flower too. Amazing all in one hub for your vaping needs 😊
(Following accounts under a different name 😉)
The Ace setup really just seems to be the perfect bundle. The form and function is exactly what I need and I am hoping to be able to get one at some point. Good luck to everyone on the contest!
That vapana looks like a real cloud maker
The ACE looks like the ultimate desktop device. It does everything you need it to and well. Need a small bowl for micro-dosing, it has it. Need a big bowl for getting smack, it has that too. Wanna do a dabs, it can do that too. And it’s all done wirelessly.
I am very new to ball vapes. I just got a Ruby Twist. Is that the same PID? If you could only have one PID what would be the one to get? Which one has the most compatibility with coils and baller heads? Like I said, I’m new.
My introduction to ball vapes was the vapvana pinch hitter, and my oh my what an experience. I fell in love with this product and it is my daily driver. Thanks to troy and jerry for reviewing this product as I would not have been aware of it. The work you are all doing for the industry is very exciting ,please keep up the good work. Here in England it’s difficult to get and see new innovations in the cannabis industry, so to see that yourselves and vapavana are pushing the technology and industry forward is very encouraging. So thanks again.
I have had my Screwball for a few months now and does it hit. It hit so hard that I immediately purchased the micro bowl. It was almost perfect for me but friends had a problem clearing the hit so about a week ago I got the glass bowl with the pass through in order to help them. Extra benefit for mr though the glass added a bonus of extra taste.
I don’t mind so much but my friends were freaked out about the wires so I guess if I win the giveaway that would calm them down a bit.
I wish I could upload a couple of pictures. I am on the road a lot and have converted a folding 3 section shaving bag into a great carrying case that holds the works.
Thanks to you, Cal and Vapvana for the opportunity to upgrade my small collection and your community support.
Great idea fellas! I would love to experience this high quality equipment! Keep up the quality content and stay high!
My personal experience, although I love my Venty, Vaping dry herb with a ball vape is the way to go for me. Biggest clouds ever. One and done. We’ll maybe two or three and done. I have tried several brands of ball vapes and have never been disappointed. Thanks to Troy and Jerry I bought my first dry herb vape in 2019 and have amassed quite a collection and the new Vapvana would be a great addition to all the ones I have purchased.
I have never tried a ball vape myself, but I have been interested in them for some time, having first heard of them on the Troy & Jerry Show.
If I won, I would give the second device to my brother-in-law. We are both medical cannabis patients in the UK. I own a TinyMight 2 and am now a dedicated vaper, but I am still trying to convert him to vaping. I think a hard-hitting ball vape like the Ace is exactly what he needs, and it would finally settle my curiosity about ball vapes.
I love your show, by the way!
Best regards,
Wayne Cummings from Belfast, Northern Ireland
Shee gone 😉
Look forward to waking up Saturday mornings to watch you guys here in the UK wake and vape getting baked.. I’ve got a few of my close mates vaping now all with mightys so this would up there worlds.. love this vape space.. good luck to everyone stay lit 422
I absolutely love my screwball but the ace kit would be legendary to have in my collection!!
Love your guys content and info. I’d love to gift one to my mom who’s been interested but not willing to drop the money. She’s tried my ch setup and I’ve been interested in the ace myself
Thanks for all the reviews fellas and content. Just made the switch to the “Vape Side” and am loving it. Currently I’m researching a desk unit and BAM here I am getting all sort of great info on the Ace.
Keep up the great work guys!
Cheers and be safe,
Vaping truly has changed my life and it is all thanks to Troy and Jerry! I tune in every Friday to find out the latest and greatest in the vape world. Been using portables since i got into vaping but would absolutely love to get into the desktop game. Huge shoutout to Cal at Vapvana for making this give away a possibility!!! If i won i would be hooked up with an end game device and one for a friend too! Unreal! Keep it up Troy and Jerry and look forward to keeping up with you in the future!
Have some portables….would love a desktop!
Thank you guys for making such an awesome product amazing work 👏🏽 🙌🏻 😶🌫️🥰
Hello Troy and Jerry. I have been using weed since the 70’s. I would love to win this product , so I can remember where I put all the accessories. Ha Ha. I’m like a grandpa to you guys
Big fan of the vapvana stuff. Owned the screwball for something like 6 months now. Love the thing. Would love to expand my vapvana collection, and of course share the goodness with my homies that are looking to get into the DHV world
Oh boy, if I won this thing I could finally afford to gift my Thermal Twist to my brother and get him off of combustion once and for all. I’m being honest when I say it upsets me to know he’s combusting every gram he gets, and he’s not getting the most out of his herb. If he were able to have a mains powered vape around I’m sure I could turn him to the light side! Thanks guys!
Yet another awesome giveaway. Thanks a lot to Troy and Jerry and Vapvana for putting this together and good luck to everyone as well. I don’t own any ball vapes but I’ve been looking into them for quite some time so this would be amazing. This piece of kit looks absolutely top of the line. What a generous contribution into the world of vaping. You guys rock.
I am 70 years young and just got back into smoking weed after 35 years. I stopped because of job, family and having to make adult decisions. After my knee replacement surgery I had trouble sleeping and some friends gave me some weed to see if it would help. It was like a miracle and have not stopped since. Troy and Jerry are like the encyclopedia of vapes for me. I felt like Rip Van Winkle waking up to a whole new world of smoking weed. Ball vapes are next and cannot wait to see what the future holds. The Ace would be my holy grail. Thanks for what you guys are doing for the 420 space.
I wanted a Ball Vape last spring, and at that time, Vapvanna didn’t have all the parts and accessories online yet, so I went with the Ruby Twist (which is great with the Micro Dose Bowl), but I always wished I had gone for the Vapvanna. Now, of course, they’ve got all the bits in place with the current line-up.
Dude Vapvana is KILLING it right now! This setup would look great on in my smoke spot! Epic giveaway! 😮💨🤘🏼🔥
Hey, I enjoy your guys content, your video on the screwball, got me to buy one and is my daily driver with the big league bubbler, ended up buying one for my dad too. I’m interested in the ace, so it would be cool to win one and give the other to my friend who just got his med card.
Keep doing what your doing Troy and Jerry! Stay lit 🔥
I think the pinch hitter would hit that ball vape sweet spot for me. My current is too big and feels like it wants me to load more than I want to use. Id love to win this but alas I have no insta so I guess I’m immediately DQed. 🙁
Troy and Jerry have all the cool toys! I enjoy the content, its nice to preview what’s new in the world of Vapes. Up in Canada we are limited on do it yourself supplies, and selection of ball vapes. Keep up the information flow in 2025.
This vape seems it’s not bluffing, it could really stack my deck. Would be a real Ace up my sleeve for every sesh. I was about to ante up for it, but winning it instead would be a straight flush.
My husband and I are each others Troy and Jerry. Would love to win one for us and one for my friend and her husband so they can share the same experience. Thank you Troy and Jerry for being hilarious and always showing us new technology.
Great giveaway! Hopefully I’ll catch a live stream live in real time one day as I live in the UK they’re past my bedtime at the moment.
The Screwball changed my life. Having an ace setup would leave my vaping needs complete. The bubbler would just be the icing on the cake. Good luck to everyone!
Excited for a chance to win. Always wanted to try one but too expensive for me.
I used to love using The Pinky until the cord started to shock me haha been rocking dyna and sticky brick since, but I tell you a fully put together system like Vapvana has going on is really neat! Thank you guys for the wonderful opportunity!
Thanks for doing such a cool giveaway! It would be awesome to be able to gift the gift of vaping to someone new to the scene!!
Hey gays! Happy to participate.
Good Lucky for everyone, you guys rock 🤘🤘💣💣
I do indeed love me some thick, solid hot hole walls, myself! 🤣
The screwball has really killed VAS for me but this ACE has really kicked it off again. Really Like the fact the hot hole is more than just an open coil. I think the brass sleeve sets it apart from the rest of the banger warmers .
I’ve been quite happy with the Pinch Hitter since I received it. Its the perfect size for me to take a maintenance dose during the day without ruining any plans. I’d be quite interested in the Ace for nighttime medication before bed.
Hey thanks for the awesome giveaway Troy and Jerry I hadn’t known about your channel until I started looking into what ball vape to buy and I saw your interview with Cal. At the moment I have an order placed for a Screwball, I’ve been trying to convert some friends from combustion to DHV’ing, sadly the portable options did not satisfy in a group setting and hopefully the Screwball will change that. Anyway thanks again for the great giveaway best of luck to all.
I really would love to win the ace! Thank you for everything you guys do!
Thanks for doing the giveaway. I have had the original screwball for about a year now. Loving it. The ace looks like an awesome setup.
Whoa I was just talking about vapvana cuz my screwball and my buddy showing me his setup with the ace and my jealousy with the pid box that setup comes with. This is wild there is an opportunity to participate for one. I’ve long watched the varied reviews too so this is a badass collab. Much love.
Thanks for the chance guys. The screwball is easily my favorite vape and an ace would be an epic birthday gift. Thanks again
Woah would be too epic. Such a cool vape
You had me at hello! Win, lose or draw, I’m getting this kit! Great review!
i love my screwball ,
i love to get an ace.
Thanks for the chance at these two prizes, would love to get to add these to the collection.
Good Luck All
You had me at hello! Win, lose or draw, I’m getting this kit! Great review!
Been wanting to try a ball vape setup for a long time. Always felt so overwhelmed by all of the options out there. This seems like a good choice for a beginner, and may be all I ever need to enjoy a ball vape desktop experience. Keeping my eye on the reviews.
Finally convinced my wife that we need an Ace (she loves dabs and I told her about the hot hole). Gonna get one soon…unless I win one
I would be very curious to try a wireless ball vape for the first time, and gem cut rubies! If Troy and Jerry keep using it with all the vaporizers they have there must be a reason!
Looks really nice!
How does it compare to the Mercury/Venus from ch or the terp Hammer from oldhead?
In the last steams I saw, you used basically only the ace.
Is there a reason or is it just your latest “toy”? ^^
my oldest sister was the first person to hand me a joint.she rolled it on a,’heart of the Congo’s’ album cover in 1985.her future husband attended lse,lived in brixton and wrote his thesis on the rastafarian religion.the three of us life long stoners.i went medical last april and she just last month.i’ve got crohns,she colitis.
i use a tiny might,my sister the wolkencraft.if i won the giveaway,i’d donate one to them.
glad to have found you two.
thanks for all your efforts.
peace n love,john
Gentlemen! I simply want to thank you for the guidance I’ve received in the 3 or 4 years of following your content! From the vapezone on youtube to twitch, it’s been a blast. Because of you, I went from miserable to happily medicated, and I have a job I love that is in the industry, and I get to share the info I learn with my medical patients.
My friend and I started the vaping journey when HE found Troy and started talking about the 2018 M – the M for a friend was the first time I bought a vape and got one for my bestie too! Be awesome to be able to give him an Ace and have one too, but win or not, you’ve changed us for the better.
Thanks for all you guys do for the industry!
If I win this I am creating a desk exclusively for tabletop devices. This way I dont loose parts and pieces.
Such a great device
I appreciate the in-depth look at the Ace, the comparison to other VapVana vape stations, and the mention of cross-device and cross-brand compatibility. I’m curious as to whether there’s a favorite heater + bowl combination across VapVana’s offerings.
I’d love to see the smaller heater of the Pinch Hitter offered in an elegantly self-contained and wireless setup like the Ace.
I appreciate you guys more than can be expressed via text. You’ve helped me make informed decisions on multiple vapes over the years. This giveaway is awesome..whomever wins these bad boys will be very pleased with the vapvana product. I purchased a corded screwball around blackfriday and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. GOOD SHIT GUYS.
Cords have kept me from being interested in the ball vapes. I know myself and I know that with a corded system I would constantly be knocking shit over and breaking things. I would probably also end up dropping the hot wand onto my lap at some point after catching the cord on something. This cordless system seems absolutely awesome though. This is the system that I need. Two of them would be even better – one for me and one for my brother to get him off of smoking.
Looks top notch, would love the chance to try it
I stumbled across the podcast recently when trying to find some reviews on the various vaporizer products. I have listened for hours now and am thrilled such good content exists in a seemingly vacant space.
I really like the AI, ads or memes or whatever you call them, you guys use for those segments.
I’m very interested in how the Ace or Pinch Hitter stack up against some of the other offerings available. I’m currently fighting off some serious VAS but I don’t know if I can manage much longer!
Wow great post!!!! Keep up the amazing work!!!
All the best
Have owned the screwball wired for over a year and has changed my consumption. No more combustion, lungs feel great. The amazing taste I was missing out on was a game changer for me. Flower dabs for the win!!! Cal is a boss at changing the game.
That’s one fine piece of ace!! Would love to add to the collection! Thanks!
I bought a screwball from Vapvana a few months ago. It has totally changed my view of smoking and me and my girlfriend don’t combust at all anymore. Unfortunately she doesn’t live with me and is struggling to smoke when she doesn’t have access to my vape. You guys would be killer if you helped her out.
Cordless ball vapes are the future! This will make a great addition to my vape collection! 🤞
Vapvana makes such great stuff. I’ve been so happy with my screwball. I really like the wireless factor. Thanks for your high quality reviews.
It would be great to win something that I could say it was a gift from TroyandJerry and of course Vapvana. The Ace definitely would get used. Especially during the TroyandJerry Show! Keep on vaping’.
Would love to win a wireless set-up to add to the collection, will probably end up buying at some point anyway. Looks like a great system.
After *extensive* testing of the screwball and the Ace, I gotta say I won’t be giving up either.
Thanks to Troy & Jerry, I know that ball vapes exist. Heard the term on a portable vape review of theirs. Did some Google things. Bought multiple Vapvana things. (And a Cannabis hardware PID. Sorry, what can I say? It’s just a better controller.)
End result: I use custom glass, Vapvana PID w/Screwball and a CH PID w/Ace. For heavy sessions I use both, alternating to keep the hours as consistent as possible.
I’d be happy with either, but I have both so why not?
Whether you’re new to vaping or a seasoned connoisseur, Troy and Jerry always keep it real with honest opinions, detailed insights, and the kind of energy that makes you excited to explore new gear. From product recommendations to tips and tricks, they’re the MVPs of vape content.
I’d really like to win it because it would get alot of use and the money I would save would go toward the flour I could buy
I discovered the ace and pinch hitter bowl on the troyandjerry live stream. Thats the vaporizer i want to get for my medical use, i am looking for fast delivery and small doses to keep my tolerance as low as possible. The friend that would get the second ace suffers from copd and so small amounts of herb are great, otherwise its to much for his lung capacity. So the aces would help us both a lot. i never had a chance to buy one in EU. Please keep up your great work! Big Thanks!!
Relatively new to ballvapes and have the screwball from vapvana. Have been loving the flavor and vapor production from the screwball and would love to try the Ace!
Thanks guys, without you I would never have stopped smoking. I have been following you for two years now (I’ve been following troy for a long time, Before yt closed his channel) on my Saturdays (I look at you in deferred because of the time zone) and I admire the work of vapvana, when I started hearing about him he hadn’t yet released the screwball and now he’s created an amazing kit, now I need to update my arsenal, I have to have my ace, you can help me 😜 love from ita
Je serais aux anges si je gagnais 😁👍
If I win the Ace, I will gift the Screwball to my dear friend who really should quit combustion his weed.
These guys are like the modern day cheech and Chong they know what they like and they sure do help you pick out the perfect device depending on your needs I went with the flowerpot B2 and Tiny might 2 because of these guys reviews and let me tell you they didn’t disappoint one bit. In depth reviews of almost every piece you could think of making this the stoners paradise for cannabis product reviews.
The screwball was my introduction to DHV about a year ago, and I’ve fallen in love with it! I’ve been introducing friends to it, brought it to a couple parties, everyone is a fan. I would love to be able to gift someone the ability to DHV, and definitely wouldn’t mind an upgrade myself 😂 the banger heater is beautiful
This is awesome you guys are a trip.
Troy and Jerry are an amazing resource for the community. Micro dosing with a ball vape is such a great useful medical device. I would send the second on to my friend that lives on the other side of the country. Session on discord would be improved with the Ace! Thank you for all yall do!
I love watching Troy and Jerry. They have provided me so much valuable info and saved me so much money on vapes through their discount and reviews. My best friend has the Ace and I’m green with envy, but I just can’t afford it now.
I’ve truly enjoyed watching you guys channel over the last couple of months. The laughs and the sheer motivation to continue to vaporize has kept me on the path of no combustion. Keep up the good work.
This is an awesome give away. I purchased a Vapvana screwball a few months ago. Both me and my girlfriend can’t really combust anymore because of the taste and health effects. Unfortunately, my girlfriend doesn’t live with me so she really struggles to consume at home. It would be absolutely killer if you guys could help us out.
The Best Starter Kit on the Market hands down. Economical with every feature you could ask for. A pure powerhouse. Absolute Beast with smooth airflow produces mad flavor and huge clouds
This looks amazing! If I don’t win i will buy this in the near future.
I am brand new to vapor. 55yrs old and mostly never got a chance to play with toys like this:) Got a 2020 M as a new years gift. Haven’t combusted all year:) Just got my T.H.C. ordered today. This would sure ice my cake:)
Dyna boxes are ticked! I’m gonna come for all the Vapvana goodness next on the ,”Life is good!” tour. 🙂 Just like Deadpool…Maximum Effort…generally applies. I’m not going to jinx myself. The ACE review still has me smiling! Great content and thanks for the chance at some wonderful products. I’m pretty sure the pinch hitter will be my next venture into the wilds of vapor…
Good Luck Everybody and nonbodies…However you identify 🙂
This kit is beautiful. Troy and Jerry’s channel helped me figure out what’s what with vapes when I was new, probably saving me from wasting hundreds on devices that wouldn’t work for me. Thanks!
The majority of what I know about marijuana devices comes from you two and I thank you very much for that! This is my dream setup, but if I win, one is going to my cousin who has helped me a lot lately but still combusts and will not spend money on a ball vape. The other will be offered to a dear friend that lost his father tragically and I am afraid is looking for answers in a bottle. If he has this around, he will turn away from booze for good. Hopefully they have me over to try it out from time to time. Thanks again for all you guys do for this community!
The pinch hitter bowl looks perfect for the way i vape. One big hit every hour or so, pure flavor.
I have always loved your guys channel! Great source of information for when I got into vaping about 4 years ago.
Currently rocking a Flowerpot B1 and a Vestratto Anvil, both purchases informed by your channel. Very curious about Vapvana and the Ace!
These giveaways have been incredibly awesome. I’ve tried winning the last 2 to be able to gift my Dad an awesome device and this would possibly be the ultimate one. He’s an old hippie that prefers smoking, but I believe the Ace would blow him away and change his mind.
My Mom passed away in November and ever since he’s felt he needed something stronger to relax him. I agree. This would be it. Dream come true type fortunate help.
I would love to win this give away because I am currently using the screwball but would like to elimiiate the wires. Plus, I have the perfect choice for the 2nd one.
1-800- r u VAPING?
Cus I will be if I win this
Thanks Troy and Jerry, love you guys!!
Another amazing giveaway from these awesome dudes? Holy cow!
Thank you Troy and Jerry!
this set up looks amazing just like a wooden b2! sick!! i would love to try it
I’d love to try this method of vaping. I’ve always seen these things wondering how they worked and why people used them, and never tried one myself. I honesty think for the house, and like chilling in the grow room toking. I want the best flavour from the herbs I grow and this seems to be the top. Not to mention the ability to run extracts too, thats really handy in one classy looking little device that doesn’t look like a giant metal and glass octopus in your house.
Very cool!! I will love to try something new like this. I was curious about vaping and I begin vaping with a Dynavap M a couple years ago and is much better than combustion.
You guys always push me in the right direction with the content you put out. Jerry, I’ll gladly trade you my Buddy Christ statue for an ACE!
Honestly unsure which would be better for me the pinch hitter or the ace. It’s nice that we’re seeing hybrid bowls – I wonder how well that works at high temps vs pure convection. But with this whole system you could just find the ball head that works for you. Cool stuff. Here’s hoping I can win!
Fully committed to the stellar Vapvana ecosystem and I love how Troy and Jerry convey the magic and joy that this system delivers. I have the original OG
screwball with the holes on top. I love it but I really want to experience the Ace soo badly. So thank you for this giveaway.
I was new to dry vaping I just had knee surgery not once but twice on the same knee. The screwball helped me get through PT and start walking again. Troy and Jerry helped me find the screwball, it really changed the alot for me. I cant thank you enough!! I’m hoping the Ace does the same.Keep up the great work !
Early adopter of the dry herb vape (with the Launch Box), recent adopter of Troy & Jerry! Amazing how far the technology has come. And so cool to have a community around it! Thanks everyone!
It is absolutely amazing how far the Thermal Extraction space has grown. Was blown away when I first converted years ago via DynaVap. My collection has grown with the field, but nothing like an Ace! Fingers crossed 💚
I bought the Vapvana Screwball months ago and I love it. I think having the Vapvana Ace would suit my lifestyle a lot better having no wires and a sexy stand to put everything. Huzah!
I really like the design of the Ace, and I have yet to try any Vapvana ball vapes. I have a few accessories from them that I use every day and would love the full kit. Thanks for the chance with this amazing give away! 🙏
I have been using the screwball for close to 3-4 months now and it absolutely blows all the other ball vapes I’ve tried out of the water imo. I have owned B0 and F22 by CH and the screwball just simply has more power. Would love to try Vapvana’s newest creation.
Never used a desktop. Sounds cool enough to look into further.
The Ace Kit and Big League Bubbler look like a great combo! I appreciate how Vapvana is pushing innovation in this space. Would love to hear more about the design process—what inspired the shape and functionality of the Ace?
I look forward to seeing you guys every week. Y’all honestly feel like true friends.
Keep up the great work and toss me one of those ACE’s
Many thanks,
First learned about ballvapes from you guys. Had a Dyna a couple of years and was happy with it. But since i discovered the hard hitting devices, a new world and was opened for me together with VAS. Less money on the bank, but more fun with the dank 🙂 🙂
I own a few of the vapvana products and have never been so satisfied with their functionality. The Screwball was a must have after I tried the Pinch Hitter. Vaping has never been this easy and the flavor you get on each bowl is outstanding. Leaf never tasted this good before. Thanks Cal, Troy & Jerry. Can’t wait til Friday. Have a good show!
I’ve just started learning about ball vapes the last couple months and it looks like my perfect solution to medicating indoors during the winter 😀 The Ace and Screwball look like really amazing products that can provide a full hit!
Troyandjerry i enjoy what you guys do and getting people to realize the best ways to consume. I’ve always wanted to get into the ball vape space and like vapvanas set up but it’s hard with the price. It would be awesome to experience the vapvana experience finally hope I get lucky thank you guys for the entertainment and what you guys have created
Vapvana has been killing it. Ive been waiting on a chance to get the ace cuz they’re not east to come by in Australia. Troy and Jerry the goats ofc, love watching the streams
What up Troy and Jerry! Love your stuff. I started homegrowing a few years ago to help medicate my degenerated discs in my back. This has evolved into me growing cbd strains, which has been a blast. My current goal for growing is to grow a nice cbd strain and press it into live hash rosin. From there I can take massive cbd dabs when I’m sore or can’t get to sleep. That’s where the Ace comes in. It looks like the perfect rig to enjoy flower but also help me get into cbd concentrates. It would be a huge help and upgrade to my current medicating regiment.
Keep up the good work, much love.
Really cool new vape and glass! Especially the aio station that’s a pid and holds all your stuff at the same time, I like it.
This is something truly amazing happening here. Last year was a life-changing experience not only for Cal but for me as well. I’m grateful to witness the revolution in the vaporization market. Congratulations, and keep pushing forward in 2025! I look forward to learning from you.
Greetings from overseas, and thanks to you, Cal, Troy, and Jerry!
Best regards,
Vapvana has been probably my favourite DHV company they seem to be at the top of the game with their R&D, i got to try a screwball and it changed the whole game and opened up a whole new world of flavour and medicating I never knew existed.
Thank you troyandjerry and vapvana for the chance for someone to own such an incredible piece of of equipment
I would love one of these much love from Texas
Hey! You’re Alright….
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
Always looking to improve my dry herb experience and collect new toys lol. Already have a corded injector vape, but love the idea of having a little station like that for the PID and rocking a wireless hammer!
I’ve wanted a ball vape for a long time. Just have never pulled the trigger. I combust daily using a bong. It would be awesome to finally give combusting a boot. I’ve tried many other vaporizers and I’ve always gone back to combusting.
Vapvana and you both threw me into a new aroma world i cant escape anymore. Lucky to be part of this family and always happy to expand on my vapvana universe!!
I have a Screwball. Now I want an Ace!!!!!!!
Awesome giveaway and the most perfect Valentine’s Day gift 🤞❤️
I always hear good things about vapvana. Anyone who wins would be so lucky to be able to share it with friends. 🤞 Thank you Troy and Jerry for this opportunity.
The design of this cordless hammer style vape is the first one that’s made me really wanna dive into these injector style vapes. They really…… KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK with this one. It’s BIG LEAGUE. Anyway big ups to Vapvana for this sick design and here’s hoping I win the giveaway!
Been following Troy since he first started doing Ghost MV1 impressions – will always be grateful for Troy’s video for my friend The Artisan (maker of Artisan’s Daughter Dynavap stems); unfortunately he passed at the end of ’23, but I know he was very grateful for your kind words…
Troy and Jerry is a Friday night favourite
Keep up the good work, fellas
Ace is one awesome prize!
I do like the all in one way that this looks. Reviews look good as well, and it’s not crazy expensive. It looks great. Obviously I’d love to win one but either way I’ll end up with one when I pull the trigger on a ball vape. Well done!
Just got me a Screwball my first ball vape. Loving it! Big hits, tasty as hell. First class service from Vapevana as well! Appreciate you, Cal!
Really big fan of the screwball it became my reason to quit smoking and my life is better for it. Thanks. I really enjoy Troy and Jerry the editing is great, top content about hot pot topics.
Cheers from Australia!
Once again Vapvana is crushing the scene with amazing products. This is truly one of those “for the people, by the people” kind of brands. Troy and Jerry fun guys to chill with for sure. They don’t know it but sometimes I watch their long format videos and pretend we are all hanging out. Haha. All love guys!
Amazing looking vape station! Big thanks for supporting the vape community and offering such a wicked giveaway!
As an owner of a Freight Train ball vape I can say with confidence I love ball vapes but the cord is a PITA. It would be awesome to have a full set without cord like this one.
Thanks for the contest
Awesome post made here, i really enjoyed the read! i do have to say, ive used the Screwball by Vapvana since its update and ive been madly in love with it. Based on everything ive read and seen about the Ace by Vapvana, i probably should have bought the Ace over the Screwball. But having both is absolutely supreme.
I have been considering getting a ball vape for a while. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Troy and Jerry I actually found through my search of a ball vape and after reading the blog and watching the videos I ended up getting a Screwball! I reached out to Cal and he answered all the questions about what I would need to get started and I’ve had it every day since! I was super stoked to hear about the Ace because I asked Cal about a wireless option and to see there is an opportunity to win won is incredible. I was really at a spot where it was like a life long pharmaceutical pill for all my life as a disabled Veteran or tough luck so I started to search on YouTube and I kid you not my life has sincerely turned around. Getting the email from Vapvana about this it’s just incredible how charitable the community continues to be and how much I really enjoy just seshing with every one every day. For me that’s enough. This is super cool.
New star in the world of vaping,
A breath of cloud, a divine mist,
Where each puff seems to touch ecstasy.
His name is secretly whispered everywhere,
Like an elixir that only the wise know. Captivating flavors, perfect swirls, A sensory journey that never stops.
Vapvana, promise of infinite pleasure, Where the steam dances and caresses the mind.
I have not yet tasted, but already conquered, Because all those who love him swear by him.
Love. my Screw ball i had to buy two! started off with the storgz and Bi ckel volcano then moved onto the mighty, then the mighty, plus and finally laid my eyes on my prized possession the screw ball. it’s the best hands down i even have a portable battery with me so I can hit it on the go or in my car or at the beach you guys are awesome. Keep producing quality products for the true cannabis enthusiasts.
I absolutely love herbal vaping compared to smoking! I’ve never had a ball vape and me and my grandmother have been wanting to try it. Much love
I have the Screwball and would LOVE to try out the other products. Thank you guys for even making these awesome devices! 🤞🏾
I love vapes, I love the plant, and I love Troy and Jerry!! I have a condition known as VAS so I’m always looking for the best of new ball vapes and The Ace is a perfect fit. I don’t have any wireless ball vapes so I’d be stoked to get The Ace as my first
I have been looking at the Ace kit for months on the Vapvana site. Every night I consider pulling the trigger and getting it. But I know my wife is going to have a tantrum if I spend the money. 😂
I have already persuaded a couple of friends to buy it. And it’s so awesome! I like it even more than my Screwball. So I’m hoping to win this and become the Ace’s #1 evangelist.
Vapvana has the best ball vapes out currently with the screwball and ace. Consider supporting them during this sale weekend!
I have the screwball and it is AMAZING! Had some simple problems with the glass not coming out of the bowl in the beginning. Customer service is also absolutely AMAZING! LOL! He went out of his way to correct it immediately and I couldn’t be happier with this company. That ACE is looking really nice now!!
Really appreciate seeing some love going into the community 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Thank you Troy and Jerry doing all the reviews and hands on use of the products so we can see first hand before we buy. That lead me to Vapvana and I scored the ACE, the wood handled bowl, glass bowl, and the pinch hitter. I am loving this set up, it has made me very happy, I use them 7 days a week! Thank you Vapvana for providing premium products at an affordable price. You can never have too many tools for vaping!! Would love the opportunity to get my hands on that bubbler! 🙂
I have the bubbler and use it frequently. I also enjoy the show. Thanks Troy and Jerry!
Beautiful vaporizers. The Ace really tickles my fancy. Seems like the perfect setup for somebody like me with limited space, but the need for a true hard hitter. I will definitely keep this one in mind for my next purchase.
I have used the Ace and it is hands down my favorite wireless vape. The setup with the Ace hot hole that allows great consistent results with both flower and concentrates is exactly what I have been looking for. The convenience, easy care/cleanup and flavor with the ability to customize to my preferences check all the boxes. They absolutely did their homework when they put this package together. I have seen several Troy and Jerry YouTube vids on this product and they sold me on the quality and performance of this setup.
This device is amazing. Everyone I speak to about. Says it’s the best thing ever invented. At the moment my mental health and neurodivergency is making it near impossible to slow down or relax. I’m keen to try this device to improve my experience with my medical cannabis. Thank you for making such a marvellous device
Another week, another giveaway! I love the Holidaze vibe and I love the Screwball anti-vape vape! The screwball never fails to do me good, better than any other option for flower. What excites me greatly is the chance to win not one but TWO ACE packages, one for me and one for my girlfriend. She still combusts though I have given her both a Lobo and a Solo II and she is open to more vaping. A wireless setup would be ideal for sharing a bowl without a cord that would barely be long enough as we sit on the couch together. The Big League Bubble is also included? Oh my! It’s the perfect setup.
We absolutely love our screwball, it is a daily now. The ace kit looks so dope, would be an awesome upgrade! Cool giveaway!
Really interested in the Ace. My (almost) favorite thing about smoking is the whole ritual. Getting everything ready, putting it in it’s place, having it look nice and clean… Also, I love my screwball, but having the cord attached to something attached to your glass could lead to tragedy if your inebriated friends aren’t watching where they’re walking. That’s never happened to me, but it’s been pretty close!
I recently got into the hardcore vaping world and it’s crazy. I went from an OG Pax to the screwball and wow, is all I can say. I even brought a couple of friends over to the vaping side of the force. I’d love to win this giveaway so I can give my friends a unit of their own. They are much heavier smokers than I am and it would be great for their lungs to switch away from combustion completely.
Troy and Jerry have some awesome content. I found them via their Mad Heaters Reload video. Anyways, I’ve had my eye on the Vapvana Ace for months now but couldn’t afford it. Thanks for the review and awesome content!
Love the content and knowledge, thanks for the opportunity to win!
I love my current vapvana and this looks so cool! The idea of gifting one to a friend is also awesome during this time!!
Seriously!!! What a set up! I honestly love watching you guys all the way from Australia. Since 2020 I’ve been on my medical canna journey and when I started to explore the world of vaping canna I was blown away literally lol. If I had something like this I’d definitely be the happiest I’ve been. This is my next step. Would be awesome. Cheers
Heater with gem-cut rubies all set,
titanium housing—your best bet.
Handle attached for comfort in hand,
Vapvana Ace, the best in the land!
Wooden Dugout Dock, crafted with care,
18, 14, 10mm, all there.
Four accessory cutouts for easy play,
the Ace is designed to impress every day.
The Ace Glass Bowl, keeps the taste so pure, so fine,
.2g of herbs for a session divine.
A 10mm carb for easy control
over hits that bring peace to your soul.
Wireless, powerful, sleek, and refined,
for flower or dabs, the Ace is aligned.
A perfect companion for every vape lover,
a must for cloud chasers with VAS to smoother!
Man, Troy and Jerry can’t be wrong can they? Vapvana and their products are truly amazing. They’ve thought of everything! Not only that, the customer service is unlike any other companies now days. I would love this amazing setup, everything about it is mind blowing.
Thanks for opportunity win this great piece of Vapvana
My son 👨👦 turned me on to a Pax 🌏 dry herb vape and I loved the terpy flavor but I was not impressed with the cloud production 💨. I’m over 60 years old, former 1/2 pack a day cigarette🚭 and current daily cannabis 💚smoker for an long time🕰️. My tolerance is high📈, the Pax 🌏 didn’t hit hard enough for me. I talked to him recently on my birthday 🥳(1/15/1964)
I told him about ball 🔴 vapes and how it’ hits and draws like smoking 💨 an regular bong without the smoke 😤 and you get to use your own glass pieces⏳. We both collect glass bongs and hookahs. He said it was news 😲 to him he never heard of such a gizmo. It would be unbelievable to sesh🤟 with him and show off our new piece over Discord🎮🥹, he would be blown 💨away in every direction ↖️↗️↘️↙️➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️ that is good, healthier ❤️🩹 and it would bring our minds 🤯 and hearts 🫀closer together through your potential very generous gift, even though we live on opposite sides of the country 🇺🇲 . #fcombustion P.S. Happy belated birthday Troy 🎂
Wireless sounds so convenient but, I gotta honest, I’m worried my stoned ass is going to try and pocket it or set it on the couch.
Hell, worth the risk!
It would be amazing to own one of these and be the first to have it here in the Philippines! Knowing vapvana always makes amazing product, i’m sure it would be an amazing sesh using this vapvana ace kit with my friends as it includes everything yo’ll ever need! always appreciate troy n jerry for making these awesome giveaways for everyone!
I’ve been listening to troy and jerry since 2020 and when they first talked about the screwball I knew it would be something special and when I finally got my hands on it it didn’t disappoint although the bulky size was something to get around at first the heater sure packed punch. But when the Ace was announced and subsequently released it made that bulky footprint of the screwball look even bulkier and with the bonus of concentrate and flower usage it has the whole sh-bang.
I have yet to even try a ball vape. The rave reviews have me wishing for one or even a couple hits off one. I’m certain it would knock my socks off and launch me into the stratosphere. Troy and Jerry have more than convinced me of the value of these cannabis consumption tools.
bravo les gars , vous aviez mis la barre très haute avec l’excellent screwball , mais là le ACE a l’air encore plus incroyable , j’adorerais l’avoir . Bonne chance à tous
Don’t use a torch and hollowed-out banana, instead plug in a Screwball courtesy of Vapvana!
Troy & Jerry, I found you two as a Vapcap fan, and have been a ball-vape disciple for 4 years as a result. … I owe you both, thanks!
Did try a lot of vapes but Vapvana Screwball is on another level for me. I wonder about ace? 😁✌️
I still love my screwball – it’s been in use every day since day 1 – together with the big league bubbler it’s an unbeatable combo🫶🏼
After a few other vaporizers, the screwball was the best addition – smooth tasty hits every time
Looking ACE! Lets hope for a win!
What an awesome giveaway! Thank you Troy, Jerry, and Cal for doing this for the community. If I’m fortunate enough to win, I’m giving a kit to my sister who lives on the other side of the country from me. She’s never tried a vape in any form and I believe that a device like the Ace kit would help her move away from regular combustion. Cheers and thanks again!
Love the Screwball! Are you @ the Mary Jane Berlin this year?
Wow, the Ace looks AWESOME!. I’ve been looking for a new way to enjoy my flower and retire the Volcano. Nothing so far could match my Storz and Bickle Hybrid but between the “Bickle tickle” and wanting to experience something closer to a bong rip, its time for an upgrade.
Great shots and review here, thanks for this one!!!
The Ace looks great- such a well put together package with the dock holding everything where you need it.
Pair that with good looking glass and I can’t see you going wrong!
Thank you for the huge giveaway. I don’t know if comments content can help you win but i’ll try simple honesty. I’ve been thinking and writing about “torch vaporizers”, thats what i call them, for a while now. I’ve made guides, reviews and vidéos of all the vaporizers i own and owned (on But never have i owned a torch one and i’ve been dreaming about getting one. I know, implying id make content should not be a criteria for winning. But thats the truth. If i win, i will love that thing like its my child. Torch vaporizers are not for beginners, lets be honest. They are connoisseurs devices for sure.
You gentlemen are the absolute bee’s knees – no ifs ands or buts. I’ve been following Think Dank since 2022 and I truly appreciate the time and love you put into keeping your community updated, informed and entertained. My daily driver is the tinymight 2 and I’ve been on the fence for far too long to invest in a desktop ball vape. Your kindness in these types of giveaways knows no boundaries. Please keep doing what you’re doing no matter what. Big love <3
Would love to get an Ace, I have the screwball myself as an early adopter and would love to have a full station on my desk with the wireless version! The glass looks great too.
I have the bubbler and it is a great piece. The Ace looks amazing, I have been researching wireless ball vapes and this one looks great to me. Thanks for all you do gents.
Great stuff!
I’m super exited for all the inovation in the ball vape space.
Good luck to everyone:)
I really appreciate the work you guys do. You save us consumers from bad products and guide us towards dope gear. Thank you!
I’m leaving a comment with substance hopefully I win!
I love my screwball and I appreciate the chance to win an ACE.
The Screwball is great. Have sent a few friends to their website to check them out. I know at least two got one also.
These are some of the best devices I’d love to see this sat on my desk
Hey, look so good all of this product, thank you very much for this giveaway!! Good luck
What an absolutely special and amazing way this would be to become apart of the Vapvana universe!! ✌️💚🤙
Awesome how far ball vapes have come since badging them together after vapechurch sessions…. Evolution baby!
this thing looks insane!
would be an awesome gift for my bday that just passed 🙂
Great hardware, would love to win an ACE!
Would love to win for my fiancé just in time for vday! Great hardware regardless!
Great Work Cal… great to see you are back on track… was a little concerned with your ambition and direction… glad to see you are back on track and getting some staff to help you out. At one point I had an Ace in my cart but unanswered e-mail scared me off…
The personalized e-mail was a nice touch…
Unfortunately life has got lifey and I no longer have the disposable income I once had… so fingers crossed …
Give yourself a great day!
Shout out to @gobsglass on ig or I wouldn’t have really looked into a ball vape!
He is the sole reason why I have a screwball and he does amazing work, go give him a follow for an amazing piece for your ace if you win!!
It was Troy and Jerry who helped me discover and understand ball vapes, and led me to the “anti-ball vape” Screwball. So wouldn’t it be nice to upgrade my space (and someone else’s) with an Ace to the face!
The screwball from Vapvana has been a complete game-changer! The airflow through a concentrated puck is evenly distributed and nicely warm. Reliable, easy-to-maintain, I am in love with this produuct. I can’t wait to try the pinch hitter and check out their new tech. I’m stoked to be riding the Vapvana wave. Happy vaping, ya’ll!
Thanks for the opportunity to win guys. I would give the other ace to my brother, he still combusts his bongs even after admitting how tasty vaping is, and having his own vape would help to convince him to switch over to vaping. Cheers guys
Where all the home growers at?
About to start the next run with some Umami Gym Crush and one of their Sour D crosses, RAW Sweet Escape and a collab they did with Tiki (white runtz x devil driver), Solfire Space Buns and Miami Mami.
Got a Solfire Lemon Grab clone I’m experimenting light schedules with. Doing a 14/10 for the first 28 days then 12/12 for the remainder of the grow.
Also experimenting with a burn and turn method starting from seedling to harvest in 12/12 running the same 2 part/ratios (in coco) all the way through to harvest.
Stop by and check out our new discord!
Hey, Just wanted to thank you for the contest and for always showing off the newest hardest hitting vapes. I completely switched from combustion of cigarettes and marijuana to vaping about 3 years ago and my lungs have already thanked me 100 fold lol
I would love the ACE due to the fact that I use Dyna’s for the most part and would love something hard hitting and also wireless. I have used ball vapes before, but never a wireless setup. Looks very cool! Good luck everyone, and thanks once again for the contest!
This kit looks to be the complete deal, and having experience on using it I can confirm this is indeed the case, the ace is a premier ball vape, if anything is going to get you off combustion it’s this puppy, experience a dense flavour profile unknown to combustion, and perfectly dial in the temperature to get the perfect personal experience and roast on your avb. The winner of this will be very lucky indeed, so fingers crossed everyone 🤞
Looking to get started!
Good luck everyone!!!
This wireless baby needs to come home to mumma! The BLB looks absolutely stunning & I love my og screwball so I already know it’s gonna be amazeballs to the walls!
Really respect Troy and Jerry as well as Vapvana. I’d really like to be able to show friends that a ball vape is gonna out-perform flame to flower every time.
I recently got into Vaping and have a bunch of friends that did as well. But all we have right now are portable devices. Thanks to Troy I got educated on a lot of nuances and was eying the screwball. But the Ace is probably an even better choice. Would be an extremely nice surprise to bring it to our next get together.
Also here’s some substance to add to this message.
Ballvapes are the future – terpy tasty hits every time.
Wonderful design & build. I’m very interested in this vape & glass bubbler. After watching Troy’s review, I was sold. Keep up the great work brother. Thank you
This kit is like the future of ball vapes! I love how it looks, especially the wood case.
Thanks to Vapvana, Troy, and Jerry for making this happen!
Love the Screwball and the Ace set up looks to be next level. I watch Troy and Jerry every Friday night and smoke along with them is a blast.
I really would love to win this setup, never tried a cordless ballvape. I already have the screwball and it rocks.
The vapevana screwball has truly changed the game for me when it comes to cannabis. Not only am I not tasting nasty combustion anymore, but I haven’t been dealing with phlegm either. I’ve been able to take the AVB and do so many things from tinctures to cannabutter. When I had an issue with the PID, Cal took care of it really quickly. An Ace would be an great addition since it’s cordless and because I suck at heating bangers lol
WOW Such an amazing product i cant wait to see how the custom cut rubys will change heat retention. The dugouts are great as well to hold your collection of bowls and maybe even other heaters
Hey gents, thanks for elevating this product again. As an early Screwball owner, I got hit with the VAS and bought a bunch of other toys. But, the Screwball is still my nightly go-to for that deep groove I want to get into before bed. It’s so repeatable, dummy-proof, and efficient. I bought another toy before Cal released the Ace but have my eye on this as the end-state ball vape. The ability to go cordless, and in such a neat package, is really their killer product. Lucky duck to whoever wins because that thing is dope.
guys you have put together a very informative post the ball vape is my progression bong>arizer>arizer, plenty then another plenty, all just not doing it. this is the most dank ive ever considered when I received my medical cannibis approval in canada…. At first these devices just did not exist and I bonged my prescription 5 grams daily … im a sort of sit there with my plenty and it just did not produce the vapor I require hopefully once ive got the ACE ill be set…One way or another ill have a ball vape to manage my 9 harsh chest spasms a day….
I have wanted to get a ball vape ever since I discovered they existed watching Troy and Jerry on YouTube. Being disabled though money is always super tight and i just haven’t been able to get one. I would be so grateful if I was to win. Hope everyone has a great day and good luck.
I’m trying my luck, help a poor french guy to get a nice setup haha, thank you again for this, have fun !
I’ve been dying to try a ball vape after seeing all the rave reviews, would be super grateful for a chance to have this set!
I have wanted something like this for awhile! Such a thorough and informative post! I appreciate all the knowledge you share! I have yet to try a ball vape! This looks like the perfect one for me! I love how compact, clean and easy to use it looks! I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about this set up and would love to up my vaping game with this beautiful set! Thanks everyone for always giving back to our amazing community!
Big kudos to Cal from Vapvana on a triumph a product, and love that you guys are doing a giveaway. I will say that as a proud owner of Screwball, I know this Ace is going to be awesome!
This has to be one of the nicest kits out right now. Would be super stoked to have one of these and would def give one to a buddy!
Good luck to all.
The size of this kit definitely appealing, would be the perfect addition to my cannabar 😀 the Ace is especially appealing.
Congrats on the success with the Vapvana lineup thus far. Vaporizing is the absolute best way to consume, as I’ve been a cardiac patient for decades, so smoking anything is really discouraged in my space… I love the one and done concept of the smaller bowl, and the compact design of the new system, along with wireless capability is simply outstanding… All the best for the future..!
Hi, has anyone ever experienced strange coughing while using The Screwball? I love Vapvana products but every time i use The Screwball with the original Titanium bowl, i cough while i don’t cough with any other product in my collection which include Mininail Flower Wand, Pinch Hitter by Vapvana and a couple of cordless vapes.
Great info guys, and I love this whole setup. I was a preorder and the Ace has been my daily driver since. I like to use it with the screwball metal bowl. I will set it upside down on the ace in the Hot Hole while I get my material opened and scooped. This way it conducts a little better after I put the heater on for a more rounded hit. Dry pulls before loading works too, but this way the heat loss to the bowl when warming it is replenished by the hot hole and PID so the Ace is fully heated before removing it too.
Shootout to both Vapvana and The ThinkDank. Thanks to your generous code I am going to go ahead and get the Ace for myself. Been on the fence about which ball vape to get and you guys just sorted it for me. Now if i win i will have two happy friends and that is just the cherry on top.
The screwball is hands down the best thing that ever existed. I swear I could hear colors
The act looks like a beast. I love that it has spots for everything you need so I wouldn’t need random tools around my desk. Really want to get one someday.
Just getting started researching ball vapes and it looks like the Ace is everything that I want.I would love to rip some hits from from this bad boy.GOOD LUCK TO ALL
Just getting started researching ball vapes and it looks like the Ace is everything that I want.I would love to rip some hits from from this bad boy.GOOD LUCK TO ALL
Always wanted the ace since it released, but living in Germany it was hard to get so i got myself an alternative ball vape. However once a vendor in europe sells it, I will be the first one on the order list.
Hey TnJ, the Ace kit sounds amazing and would be amazing in my space. Price has kept me from trying it so far, but throwing my name in the hat!
Long time smoker and wanted to try vaping, soooo I bought a Screwball and I love it. The hits are tastier, I get higher and don’t go through as much weed as I use too. WIN WIN!
All I need now to make my life complete is to go wireless.
Thanks Troy and Jerry!
Good luck everyone!
Wait, this is such a cool set up! I’ve never heard of ball vapes until now and this looks so awesome. Thank you for such an informative post and for showing me a new and innovative way to consume flower.
Good luck to everyone!! 🍀
I’ve owned a VapeXhale CloudEvo since 2015. It’s served me well and operates just as it did when I first purchased it. I hadn’t considered getting a new daily driver until sourcing quality baskets became a bit of a pain. So I began researching a desktop vape that could give me a similar experience. That’s when I discovered ball vapes, Vapvana, and the Screwball. Nearly pulled the trigger on it and then saw the Ace. Immediately fell in love.
Very clean set up, I love the size of the dugout !
I have been looking for a desktop vape that will support my flower and concentrate intake and was struggling to try and find one. This article hits so hard! Why chose another device that might support concentrates, this is the clear winner. Thanks for the in depth review, the pics and the honest perspective on the pros and cons! Hope I get lucky!!!
I would love very much to win this. I have a decent job, a beautiful wife, and four children, so as you imagine I myself live like a pauper. I will never actually buy myself something like this. I need someone to either will it to me or to win a contest. And since there are two, I can give one to my brother to hold for safekeeping until my wonderful children inevitably destroy mine.
Thanks for your consideration, Troy/Jerry/universe/random number generator!
I have seen a few people review/use the ace including Troy and Jerry and it looks like one of the best all in one solution for anyone’s desktop! I really love the wood!
Vaporization is truly the best way to consume. Ball vaporizers are a game changer and the Ace
Looks amazing. I would love to own one.
Thermal devices have come along way since the times of the og volc/mightys inception. Now we have digital pid powered portable heat diffused fuck toys for our hot holes /bowls of choice giving us the one hit money shot of a lifetime? . Herb torched not to a point of combustion but to the line of where no green shall return with the cannabinoids / terps extracted in a gulp ? Future 3.5gram renditions of 35hits @ 0.10g or 17.5 hits @ 0.2g ?
Kinda sounds too good to be true but with the winning odds of a million to one, in Lloyd Christmas’s words “you’re telling me there’s still a chance ?” count me in for the ascendancy 🔺 beam me up please Scotty?? /vapvana /troy&jerry 🚀
next stop??
I really enjoy watching Troy and Jerry and am so glad I happened across vapvana!! I purchased their screwball vape and could not be happier. This was my introduction to ball vapes and I will definitely be investing in more! Thanks for this opportunity!!
Thanks for all the knowledge you share and the Vapvana Ace would be one of the coolest things I’ve ever owned. I’m a simple person that admires the little things. Thank you so much for this amazing opportunity!
Vapana’s screwball changed my life! I thought I would have to give up smoking because my lungs got so wheezy, but now that’s not an issue and the experience alone will make you want to switch to dry verb vaporizer. Best investment I have made in a long time for the betterment of my health. I can’t imagine having to quit and now I don’t have to!
Troy & Jerry thank you for the good times on Friday nights! I really enjoy seeing products live in action along with the effects they have. Vapvana (Cal) thank you for taking the time to include the community on the development and feedback of your products. Dank you very much for this giveaway and good luck to all!
One of these days when I grow up I will have a shiny new ball vape!!! Vapvana makes some really really cool stuff. I’ve been watching Troy and Jerry for quite a while now. Keep up the good fight!!!
Always wanted to own a desktop unit. I just read up about the Ace and it looks beautiful, compact yet functional.
All the best to everyone who is commenting.
It’s been exciting to see the progression of vaping and DHVs. Tried my first vape with the Ghost girls on the MV1 In their tour bus. The MV1 was the first vape that started my initially short journey. It required some technique to get good clouds so I gave up until I found Troy and Jerry at the beginning of C19. I learned so much from their informative and entertaining weekly seshs. Since then, I’ve purchased several vapes from POTV. Dynavaps, POTV One, Lobo, POTV V3Pro MightyPlus etc. Always a smooth effortless transaction and service. Great for the portables but I wanted to get a really good ball vape. I watched Troy and Jerry rave about ball vapes, in particular, the Screwball. So I saved and decided on the Screwball. WOW! I was an early adopter and got the glass package too. I even got a personal thank you note from Cal with my purchase. I had seen him on ThinkDank. Nice guy, chill vibe and an honest straightforward business ethic to the enthusiast. Shortly thereafter the ACE came out. Man, what am I gonna do? Should I return the Screwball and get the ACE? I couldn’t afford both.Love the SB so I kept it. Now all I see is how everyone loves the ACE. It sure would be nice to win the AWESOME giveaway and own both. Well that’s my journey in a nutshell. Long but I thought people should know about and watch Troy and Jerry, and.get in touch with Cal from Vapvana. Thank you for the info, the laughs, stories and the clouds.
The screwball definitely shook up the “heavy hitter” scene. For “just a guy” to impact the entire market and cause the big companies to pivot and try to “keep up” has been interesting to watch!
The ace looks to be a home run!
This looks beautiful, I know the hubby would love it. I don’t usually vape my medical MJ, but just might if I win this 🤗
I love my Screwball it’s changed my life I’m saving over an ounce of flower every month thank goodness I would love to win an Ace Cal I think you product is top notch even the big league bubbler I purchased from you , thanks again for what the Screwball has done for me I’m very grateful